Would it be above such people to infiltrate organizations that manage patents and then redistribute information about such things so as to attempt to usurp them? We already know that being intelligent or even brilliant isn't a sure sign in itself of moral rectitude. So many secret societies, so many intelligence agencies, since as far back as the middle ages I would suspect, have had Jews woven into them. And if we consider their propensity for ingroup preference in all things, and the matter of their cultural inspirations from sources such as the Talmud, I wouldn't put it in the realm of the barely possible.

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You may want to delve into einstein's (capitol purposely removed) claim when caught with his intellectual pants down? To wit; "When asked about the speed of sound, Albert Einstein could not remember the speed of sound when asked.

When asked about the speed of sound, Albert Einstein responded by saying that one should consult a textbook. "I do not carry such information in my mind since it is readily available in books."


Imagine researchers and all of us who deal with reality having to consult BOOKS when forced to deal with basic facts. I have told this to many and all go right along with that Capitol Criminals claim that the mind is for thinking not holding facts that can be easily found in BOOKS. I've known that, the alleged speed of light, temperature that water boils and freezes, the circumference of Earth, the escape velocity from Earth, the distance from us to the sun, the moon etc WHEN I QUIT HIGH SCHOOL and I am no more than an the averagely curious!

Everyday we allow "the jew" to live further cements our criminal insanity and gullibility thereby guaranteeing we are what rothschild (capitol purposely removed) told his son's we are; "Remember my children, that all the earth must belong to us Jews, and that the gentiles, being mere excrement's of animals, must possess nothing." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812

Our demand to remain docile in the face of those any and all healthy people would kill on sight for being outlaws and obedient to obviously criminal written laws designed to permit "the jew" to act against us is our permission for "the jew" to herd us and proves what the result of our false morality must beget; "The use of any and all means to achieve our final goal is justified. The ruler who governs by the moral code is not a skilled politician because he leaves himself vunerable and in an unstable position." Mayer Amschel Rothschild

"We were the first to put Liberty, Equality and Fraternity into the mouths of the masses, which set up a new aristocracy. The qualification of this aristocracy is WEALTH, which is dependent on us." Mayer Amschel Rothschild

"Candidates for public office should be servile and obedient to our commands so that they may readily be used." Mayer Amschel Rothschild

In short folk, we must heed the advice and the only path "the jew" deserves to be forced to walk told to us by one! "We jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. Woe be unto us if they (gentiles) see the futility of it, LAY DOWN THE PEN AND TAKE UP THE SWORD. WE WILL NEVER BE DEPOSED BY WORDS, ONLY FORCE" Harold Wallace Rosenthal. Assistant to jewish senator jacob javits who spearheaded the open immigration policy in 1965.

Its time to hunt or do any reading this have any, ANY other valid path?

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The Finnish inventor that De Forest and Case based their recognized sound-on-film work on had a tragic bio. Tigerstedt had already invented the basis for the modified patent that became the commercial success 5 years earlier (1914) WW1 and a succession of failed investment and business ventures sank his short-lived hopes. His sad story: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Tigerstedt

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