Tanks for writing about this (and all the other interesting things of course)! It became a newspost on the Nordic Resistance Movements newssite (nordfront.se).

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Good to see the NRM are also keeping a watchful eye!

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Their time-old behaviors are not well adapted to our fully surveilled modern life.

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"Perhaps a suitable punishment would be to transport her to Auschwitz and lock her in the alleged ‘gas chamber’ over night so she can commune with the ‘dead jews’ and then let her out in the morning to moan about how she is now a ‘spirit medium’"

IMO you're far too kind. It is our tolerance we have to deal with as Adults. Not as the herd members tolerance makes us. All I can say is "I long for the time when lies (that goad action or inaction) are capitol crimes". This is one of the major Duties we are missing. Imagine a world where those who are the lie incarnate are open prey. Imagine the world after the hunt is complete. Isn't it the lack of all who comprise "the jew" removed from life what all Adults want and are working towards birthing? Weather one admits this or not? What is a working alternative when we have the experience of how many past expulsions? 109? Over 1000 if you're actually counting?


We few know humanities real enemies but I have to ask; are we to remake the same mistake out of a misplaced sense of docile tolerance? That mistake being allowing even one of "the jew" to live? What is tolerance when applied to evil? Does tolerance not demand the continuance of crime? The continuance of criminals in power? For the answer look at your life...as the slave to "the jew" and to their machinations most deny we are allowing to be our reality.

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