One might wonder why there are no modern day or recent historical incidents of this? Then that one may want to take into account abortions which murder by tearing apart fully feeling children?The con of brain death being used to eviscerate living and according to some fully conscious but unable to move victims? Both pushed by jews. The unknown number of missing children who never are found by government agents? Who runs all governments?

My sad realization is we deserve this because we have not yet killed all who comprise "the jew" preferring to cling to their and their lackeys lies and commerce. Would abortion exist if "the jew" no longer does? Would the con of brain death? You all know the answer but commerce is God and all carry it in their pockets and fully depend on it for life. How was abortion and acceptance of brain death sold? By claiming commercial as in monetary freedom would result. No need to raise children as this is economically undesirable and no need to deal with "nonviable" totally dependent relatives and children? Tell me I'm wrong not by belief but by offering facts instead.

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Abortions are not performed on children. The victims are fetuses, tho still fully feeling as mentioned. Not sure that doing away w/ Jews would end this practice. It's doubtful as many cultures have practiced forms of it. Witches apparently specialized in herbal remedies for dire situations. And I do not think economics is the underlying cause for abortion among women. But it's probably the second most pressing reason it is resorted to. Yet welfare mothers actually shun it for economic reasons, which becomes a different problem - single parentage households.

To me the prime reason for abortion among middle and upper class women is the embrace of feminism and a lifestyle that competes w/ men - sexual liberation being an essential part of that. Abortion is not only the failsafe for unwanted pregnancy, but a so-called rite of passage, a kind of purple heart a real woman must endure. Twisted and selfish thinking to be sure. Adoption is a better option.

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Even a zygote is a child. You're using "the jew"s semantics to separate what cannot be separated. From conception the bonded sperm and ovum is a human child and can be nothing else! Calling the child a zygote, a fetus etc all coalesce as the same entity, a human child. The rest of your comment is a version of what I stated directly that you are trying to obfuscate using well inculcated and accepted by you judaic misdirection's.

You use the term "think" where you should be using the term "believe". Your claim of "embrace" feminism and "lifestyle" is exactly what I said about freeing oneself from commercial, as in monetary drains. If you actually "think" children somehow come into existence somewhere after their life begins as an individual entity just where in time do you "think" abortions should be limited to?

Remember when jews first started this Capitol Criminality? What were abortions limited to then? What are they limited to now? What were the reasons given then? What is included in those reasons now? You can't see reality for what it is so you prevaricate using "the jew"s own cons.

Adoption should be the only option though have you any experience with women who choose this route? I have. Not one woman I know who have gone this route have maintained what little sanity they had before the separation. Heavy drug use and suicide is the usual result unless the woman abandons what makes us human. Those who have done this seem to be OK, until you speak with them when they are vunerable, as in their guard is down.

My point is we have allowed "the jew" to separate us from our Duties and our Sacred Responsibilities. Commercial interests are paramount in the herds minds.

It is very hard to realign with Logos, Logic, Common Sense as most can no longer fathom living with 100% personal responsibility. Were this not true no one of "the jew" would be alive and no wars would be fought, no poison as medicine would exist, no commerce would exist, no outside authorities would exist, no beliefs would be seen as more than they all are, wishes having little to do with reality.

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Europe had enough on its plate with the advent of the Christian tyranny inflicted from Charlemagne onward. They didn't need to "make up" stories about the evils in their midst. They had enough problem with the Jews profiting from this tyranny through the asymmetrical advantage it gave them, contrary to subjection to constant threat and impoverishment it inflicted on the Europeans themselves. They didn't need to make up reasons to hate Jews using their "imagination". One look at the history of a cinema of evil filth I don't care to enumerate, as to producers, directors, actors, writers, and distributors tells me whose imagination is the problem.

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Karl, hope you doing well(FallenSun, peasantmaxxer here if you recall me from Xitter) do you know of William Thomas Walsh work, Philip II ? He talks about the Jews being behind the Reformation, on Chapter 13 an especially interesting part goes like this:

"What is equally certain, but strangely kept well in the background of most historical research, is that the Protestant Revolt, far from being an "advance" or a "progressive step," was a long retrogression toward the moribund Judaism of the Pharisees of the time of Christ. Its multitudinous offspring of more than 200 sects would lead in the course of time to a return of the dismal skepticism of the Sadducees. Caiaphas was a Pharisee, Annas a Sadducee. It was old Annas, the Nasi, who would have the last word.

If there is exaggeration in that astonishing but almost unnoticed statement of Cabrera, himself of a Spanish Marrano family, that "most of the heresiarchs and heretics of this present century have been of those people,"36 it is beyond question, as a Jewish historian says, that the first leaders of the Protestant sects were called semi-Judaei, or half-Jews, in all parts of Europe,37 and that men of Jewish descent were as conspicuous among them as they had been among the Gnostics and would later be among the Communists.

The origin of Calvin (whose real name was Chauvin) is obscure, as is that of his chief aide and successor, Theodore Beza. But Farel, Rousel and others of the stormiest preachers who carried their propaganda through Europe were of Jewish descent. Michael Servetus may have been, and was certainly influenced by Jews. At Antwerp in 1566 the chief minister of the Calvinist synod, which was the center of the most telling Protestant intrigue and propaganda in the Netherlands, was a Spanish Jew.38

Modern research by Jewish historians has made it clear that in the sixteenth century large numbers of the English Protestants (and doubtless the most active in propaganda and organization) were Jews who had put on the convenient mask of Calvinism at Antwerp. For example, "from an early period," says Dr. Lucien Wolf,39 "the Marranos in Antwerp had taken an active part in the Reformation movement, and had given up their mask of Catholicism for a not less hollow pretense of Calvinism. The change will be readily understood. The simulation of Calvinism brought them new friends, who, like them, were enemies of Rome, Spain and the Inquisition. It helped them in their fight against the Holy Office, and for that reason was very welcome to them. Moreover, it was a form of Christianity which came nearer to their own simple Judaism. The result was that they became zealous and valuable allies of the Calvinists." "

This is a direct quote from the book, and you might be interested if you aren't already aware of it

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