Continuing on with highlighting and addressing ‘Jewish Invention’ claims we have the claim that Israeli jews invented the Firewall that computers use for the safety of their data when connecting to the internet.
The more of these we rip through the harder and harder it becomes for jews to argue they are 'special' or have made a 'huge contribution to civilization'.
I've found “The farmer was and remains the stumbling block to socialist experiments everywhere. Since he raises his own food and tends to live in his own house, he is less “controllable” than say,the urban dweller.” ― Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Leftism Revisited: from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot
You can guess my lifestyle? I'm 69, worked in the building trades all my life (since I was 17) and never paid a cent in either federal or state income taxes. The reason most do is simple. The law; title 26, has been censored by complexity and knowing lies told by all lawyers, all politicians, all citizens. Title 26 does not reach to you. Unless by deception fed by lies you have "gone along to get along" and signed up because you were told you "can't" work unless you do? That you "can't" perform without doing what has no connection to what you're performing!
Here is how a budding Adult deals with such claims. When I decided to begin my work life I put an ad in the local paper and began to take on jobs. After being hired for one by a state agent he told me (as he brought out a W4 form) that without signing I could not work. The Capitol Criminal fuck had hired me and I was WORKING! I was dirty with mortar dust. I had a brick in my hand about to lay it onto the steps I was building for him. My truck was filled with brick sand and all the tools needed. I WAS WORKING AND HERE WAS THIS MORON (I now know he was a Capitol Criminal for his beliefs he demanded I follow) TELLING ME I CAN'T DO WHAT I WAS DOING WITHOUT SIGNING A PAPER MAKING ME A SLAVE!? I told him I can either complete my WORK or I can leave and begin my next job. He turned around and that was that. That was 52 years ago.
Our reality has been covered by lies told to you by 'the jew"* and inculcated beliefs you've taken as real. Again imposed by "the jew"*. I did not-do not do anything illegal though I have friends from high school who still claim I am going to get caught. The entire reason you pay income taxes is because you applied to! I never applied to! What do you believe the W4 form is? Required? Not a plea to become a taxpayer that has no requirement for anyone to sign? You et al have been duped by censorship! You're an "employee", a ward of the state and fed by signing that form so of course you owe those who are taking care of you!
On another note beware of the likes of Ava on Substack. She is a censor. When you have delved into judaic perfidy, how and why "the jew"* rules you will come to know most choose to believe rather than to know our reality. All believing is antithetical to knowing reality as in no one who believes...anything can know what is real and what is not. Censoring is the way all who comprise "the jew" keep their Capitol Criminal insanity intact. There is an axiom in life that is obvious to the Adult and shirked by all who comprise "the jew" in one way or another. That axiom is "what one should know one does know". You are familiar with this as the devolvement in law known as "ignorance of the law is not an excuse". This goes very deep into the accepted lifestyles of the wards, meaning citizens, who are the base power of "the jew". You are trained that "consequential damages" are not your responsibility as in you hold no responsibility for what "the jew" in the form of all governments do with what you hand t.h.e.m. (T=the H=hebrews E=enslaving M=mankind). This is why wars exist. Why poison is medicine. Why food is poisoned. Why lies are accepted as education. Why concentrations of power are seen as required.
Without this insanity and refusal to accept Adult Responsibility no wars would exist so "the jew" could not exist. This claim is always denied by all I have come across but not those who know reality. "If my son's did not WANT wars there would be NONE". Gutle Schnaper Rothschild wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild on her deathbed 1849
* I use the "" before and after the term the jew to denote the meaning holds more than just jews. It is inclusive of all who censor, all who defend and or follow any religions, all who demand to follow rather than be leaders WITHOUT FOLLOWERS! As in Sovereigns without subjects. This is what all true Anarchists are and all who are in truth Adult are Anarchists.
I abhor long comments 110th, but yours is definitely worth it.
You got that right 110th. The Bolsheviks hated the independent farmer and would round up a whole town of independent people and execute them and steal all of their wealth. Communism is a pipe dream and is 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, and you can just be dead'.
As to the Title 26 income taxes, those are donations. Stop donating (comment for the general audience). Your 'government' (gov. co.) is funding and engaging in genocide, and trying to kill you 24/7365. The W4 used to say 'Voluntary Withholding Form'.
I know what you mean about people telling you that you are going to the slammer. My reply, 'I'm following the black letter law'. Even if I wasn't, no way in hell am I funding mind control (government). I learned not to have that conversation.
Thanks for the troll tip. You might like Jeanice Barcelo of She is all over the Jewish Problem, and her book on the Dark Side of Modern Medicine is worth the price just for the information on circumcision alone. Circumcision causes brain damage and is traumatic genital mutilation and is responsible for the psychosis of the Elohim worship cult. Capital Criminal insanity, well put.
Religion requires belief similar to Scientism. Spot on 110th.
As a Sovereign Political Power holder, I am a leader and I am in the know (reality). Nice to meet you.
I abhor writing them but when one has a lot to say its unavoidable. We seem to be on the same path. That of deciphering reality. Living according to Moral imperatives. May you build a path that keeps your energy from “the jew’.
These exposes are important for us to counter the herds beliefs about absolute superiority of "the jew" in their pathetic commercial-servile lives.
The more of these we rip through the harder and harder it becomes for jews to argue they are 'special' or have made a 'huge contribution to civilization'.
Semitism = protected class supremacy, Totalitarian democracy, Israeli parasitism and war mongering. And they're not even Semitic. That's the rub.
God I'm glad I found you guys. Boycott Israhell and stop paying federal income taxes that are funding genocide and a litany of other crimes.
I've found “The farmer was and remains the stumbling block to socialist experiments everywhere. Since he raises his own food and tends to live in his own house, he is less “controllable” than say,the urban dweller.” ― Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Leftism Revisited: from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot
You can guess my lifestyle? I'm 69, worked in the building trades all my life (since I was 17) and never paid a cent in either federal or state income taxes. The reason most do is simple. The law; title 26, has been censored by complexity and knowing lies told by all lawyers, all politicians, all citizens. Title 26 does not reach to you. Unless by deception fed by lies you have "gone along to get along" and signed up because you were told you "can't" work unless you do? That you "can't" perform without doing what has no connection to what you're performing!
Here is how a budding Adult deals with such claims. When I decided to begin my work life I put an ad in the local paper and began to take on jobs. After being hired for one by a state agent he told me (as he brought out a W4 form) that without signing I could not work. The Capitol Criminal fuck had hired me and I was WORKING! I was dirty with mortar dust. I had a brick in my hand about to lay it onto the steps I was building for him. My truck was filled with brick sand and all the tools needed. I WAS WORKING AND HERE WAS THIS MORON (I now know he was a Capitol Criminal for his beliefs he demanded I follow) TELLING ME I CAN'T DO WHAT I WAS DOING WITHOUT SIGNING A PAPER MAKING ME A SLAVE!? I told him I can either complete my WORK or I can leave and begin my next job. He turned around and that was that. That was 52 years ago.
Our reality has been covered by lies told to you by 'the jew"* and inculcated beliefs you've taken as real. Again imposed by "the jew"*. I did not-do not do anything illegal though I have friends from high school who still claim I am going to get caught. The entire reason you pay income taxes is because you applied to! I never applied to! What do you believe the W4 form is? Required? Not a plea to become a taxpayer that has no requirement for anyone to sign? You et al have been duped by censorship! You're an "employee", a ward of the state and fed by signing that form so of course you owe those who are taking care of you!
On another note beware of the likes of Ava on Substack. She is a censor. When you have delved into judaic perfidy, how and why "the jew"* rules you will come to know most choose to believe rather than to know our reality. All believing is antithetical to knowing reality as in no one who believes...anything can know what is real and what is not. Censoring is the way all who comprise "the jew" keep their Capitol Criminal insanity intact. There is an axiom in life that is obvious to the Adult and shirked by all who comprise "the jew" in one way or another. That axiom is "what one should know one does know". You are familiar with this as the devolvement in law known as "ignorance of the law is not an excuse". This goes very deep into the accepted lifestyles of the wards, meaning citizens, who are the base power of "the jew". You are trained that "consequential damages" are not your responsibility as in you hold no responsibility for what "the jew" in the form of all governments do with what you hand t.h.e.m. (T=the H=hebrews E=enslaving M=mankind). This is why wars exist. Why poison is medicine. Why food is poisoned. Why lies are accepted as education. Why concentrations of power are seen as required.
Without this insanity and refusal to accept Adult Responsibility no wars would exist so "the jew" could not exist. This claim is always denied by all I have come across but not those who know reality. "If my son's did not WANT wars there would be NONE". Gutle Schnaper Rothschild wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild on her deathbed 1849
* I use the "" before and after the term the jew to denote the meaning holds more than just jews. It is inclusive of all who censor, all who defend and or follow any religions, all who demand to follow rather than be leaders WITHOUT FOLLOWERS! As in Sovereigns without subjects. This is what all true Anarchists are and all who are in truth Adult are Anarchists.
I abhor long comments 110th, but yours is definitely worth it.
You got that right 110th. The Bolsheviks hated the independent farmer and would round up a whole town of independent people and execute them and steal all of their wealth. Communism is a pipe dream and is 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, and you can just be dead'.
As to the Title 26 income taxes, those are donations. Stop donating (comment for the general audience). Your 'government' (gov. co.) is funding and engaging in genocide, and trying to kill you 24/7365. The W4 used to say 'Voluntary Withholding Form'.
I know what you mean about people telling you that you are going to the slammer. My reply, 'I'm following the black letter law'. Even if I wasn't, no way in hell am I funding mind control (government). I learned not to have that conversation.
Thanks for the troll tip. You might like Jeanice Barcelo of She is all over the Jewish Problem, and her book on the Dark Side of Modern Medicine is worth the price just for the information on circumcision alone. Circumcision causes brain damage and is traumatic genital mutilation and is responsible for the psychosis of the Elohim worship cult. Capital Criminal insanity, well put.
Religion requires belief similar to Scientism. Spot on 110th.
As a Sovereign Political Power holder, I am a leader and I am in the know (reality). Nice to meet you.
I abhor writing them but when one has a lot to say its unavoidable. We seem to be on the same path. That of deciphering reality. Living according to Moral imperatives. May you build a path that keeps your energy from “the jew’.