I've watched Agora a couple of times. It's not a bad film, not that bad films mustn't be reviewed as long as they bear relevance to the JQ. But I did note it was favoring Jews in its historical treatment of the 3 warring factions. Still, nothing unusual about that at all. If they were not catered to in a contemporary film, that would be remarkable. Nor do I much mind Rachel Weisz in the role of the pagan philosopher Hypatia. She doesn't look typically Jewish (Ashkenaz) and comes across as a serious and articulate Mediterranean beauty Don't know where that Hypathia spelling comes from. It gives the sound of her name a Castilian twist.

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So, in other words: this is a gross travesty of a movie, not keeping with historical facts, grossly misleading and exaggerating facts or does use, and leading the viewer into false historical conclusions and misleading ideas about eventualism ( my new word ) and the implications of blood-lust of White-People - over - science and reason. And the main-character, of course, is played by a Jew.

So, why should any Fölk see this? I propose instead, we Seek THE TRUTH in all things on this entire subject.


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