According to ‘Jewish News’ yet another significant figure in the jewish community – this time in the city of Manchester in the UK – has been discovered to be a deviant sexual criminal and to have used their position as a way to access their victims.
As they write:
‘A Jewish GP from Salford has been jailed for eight years for sexually assaulting female patients during examinations.
Dr Wayne Davis, 69, was sentenced after a jury at Manchester Crown Court found him guilty of conducting unnecessary, intimate examinations on two women between 1995 and 2006.
Gill Petrovic, senior crown prosecutor for CPS North West’s rape and serious sexual offence unit, said: “Wayne Davis was in a position of trust as a doctor and a highly respected man within the community. He abused his position to commit sexual offences against women under his care.
“The CPS worked with Greater Manchester Police to support the women through the prosecution. We applied to the court for special measures so the women could give their evidence in the best way for them, so they did not have to face the man who had abused them.
“I would like to thank the women for supporting the prosecution and hope they can move forward knowing Davis has now been sentenced.
“I hope this case will give other survivors of sexual abuse the confidence to come forward. It is never too late to seek justice.”
In 2006, one young woman suffering with gynaecological issues sought the help of Dr Davis. He told her he was performing a procedure, but then sexually assaulted her. She reported the offences in May 2020, and Davis was arrested.
In June 2020, a second young woman read about the arrest and came forward to report a similar incident in 1995 when Davis had performed an unnecessary gynaecological examination on her.
During the police investigation Davis denied committing the offences, claiming any procedures he carried out would have been necessary.
On 14 December 2023, Davis was convicted of two sexual offences. He was found not guilty of two offences and a verdict could not be reached in relation to a further count.
He was subsequently found not guilty of the remaining count on 5 December 2024.
Davis was highly respected within the community and trusted and relied on as a GP at the time of the offences. Two counts of assault by penetration and attempting to cause a person to engage in sexual activity without consent were not proceeded with.’ (1)
The question that ‘Jewish News’’ narrative doesn’t cover is whether Davis actively targeted non-jewish women for his sexual abuse/rape and content themselves with implying that it only impacted jews which I rather doubt since the bulk of Salford (and Manchester’s) population is non-jewish and Davis didn’t only see jewish patients.
The probable truth is that Davis probably sexually abused many more non-jews and likely actively targeted them for said abuse – they are after all seen as ipso facto promiscuous by both Judaism and jewish culture vis-à-vis the concept of the ‘Shiksa’ – (2) but jews are seeking to limit the damage by implying that Davis only targeted jewish women.
That’s why you shouldn’t use jewish doctors.
Isreal has no extradition treaties NONE. 100’s of the Jewish rapists and crims run to Isreal when they have been caught. This is well documented
There were and are so many! Newest Jew rapist in… news is Yoal Avner””Murder..rape..super felony super criminality by any other name is..still…objectively speaking easily and consistently attributable to. The Synagogue Of Satan**. Don't forget Bernie Madoff David Berkowitz George Soros .Rothschild ..Jon Pollard Julio'us and Ethel Rosenberg .David Berkowitz Klaus Schwab..harari Larry fink Steve schwarsmen..Sam.b.fried…Gavin Newsome David Geffen Peter thiel Rachel..Richard Levine** b.l.specter..geveer satanyahoo..menachem..mendle schneerson……Geinrich yagoda..Lazar Kaganivich Moshe pijade …kolomoiskey zelensky..Bela Kuhn..Cecille Richards..greaves..Anton le vey real name Howard levy..aleister Crowley the Jew who boasted of rape—murdering 350 little blond white boys..see also Yoal avner…..semion mogilevich..short list**,