Todros Grynhaus was a respected religious scholar in England's Orthodox jewish community as well as teacher at several jewish religious schools. (1) He was married with ten children, but one day in late 2012 his world came crashing down around him. He was accused by a former pupil of having raped her when she was in his care. (2)
It turns out that Grynhaus had been well-known in jewish community as a child molester of both boys and girls in his care for a considerable time before this. (3) He had even been caught by his wife in the bedroom of one of his underage female students. (4)
Grynhaus had, for example, cornered one underage girl who he was obsessed with in a hotel jacuzzi and forced her to have sex with him. In another case as he raped another underage girl he told her that she might as well make herself useful as she was otherwise simply scum. (5)
That's pretty horrific by any standard, but it gets even worse.
I quote:
'In police interview, Mr Grynhaus is said to have said informers ‘ruined their lives’ and would be ‘shunned by the community’.' (6)
The concept of the 'informer' is a difficult one to convey the meaning of, but in effect it means that you not just a grass but have committed treason against God. Informers are subject to some of the harshest punishments in halakha (jewish religious law) and are indicted to be tried and executed by the jewish community as soon as possible even if it is against the law of the land in which they reside. (7)
In effect Grynhaus is calling for the girls who denounced and testified against him to murdered extrajudicially by the jewish community.
I doubt this would happen per se, but certainly the jewish community has been split on the issue with not a few rabbis and Orthodox jews coming out screaming hysterically in Grynhaus' defence. (8) Even the leader of Manchester's Beth Din (the local jewish religious court) Dr. Yehuda Brodie appears to have tried to squelch the scandal originally and thus prevent Grynhaus from being prosecuted by the non-jewish authorities for his many crimes. (9)
It just goes to show that the Orthodox jewish community (both internationally and in Britain) has a serious problem with a significant minority of members being paedophiles and child molesters (and the rest of the community protecting them and thus facilitating further abuse).
Heck even Israel didn't want to protect Grynhaus who fled there and tried to become a naturalized citizen in order to avoid prosecution for his deeds. (10) He was deported back to Britain in early 2015 and was promptly put on trial. (11) Although he had subsequently be re-tried as the jury couldn't apparently find it in their hearts to convict him; (12) he was eventually convicted of seven counts of sexual abuse against two jewish girls that were in his care. (13)
That is itself of little real note. What I find far more interesting is the accompanying commentary from the jewish community in Britain in their flagship publication: 'The Jewish Chronicle'.
In the first instance we should note that when Judge Timothy Holyroyde told Grynhaus during his summing up that:
'The nature of the offences involved a high degree of manipulative behaviour coupled with a refusal to acknowledge any wrongdoing whatsoever.' (14)
This could be very easily extended across a whole swathe of jewish behaviour. For example the financial crash of 2008 that was a heavily jewish affair, the Israeli destruction of the Gaza strip during 'Operation Protective Edge' in 2014, to jewish theories about jews not having any part in causing anti-Semitism to exist and so on.
I am sure Judge Holyroyde didn't mean it that way, but then I rather doubt he knows very much about jews other than tit-bits he has read or picked up here and there like most people even among the intellectual elite.
It is even more ironic because Grynhaus had claimed that the charges against him by the jewish women were part of a fantastic 'revenge plot' to hurt him. (15)
This is precisely what jews do as their first defence mechanism in almost any given situation. It is a completely egocentric view of the world where they - as the 'chosen people' of the creator of the universe - can do no wrong and that if other peoples don't understand this. It is their fault; in addition to the idea that if a jew suffers it is almost ispo facto a conspiracy against them personally.
In the second instance I should point out that the idea actively promoted by Jonathan Kalmus' article is that the Grynhaus case will somehow change Haredi attitudes on the subject of paedophilia, child molestation and abuse. (16) I rather doubt it personally as the attitude displayed by Grynhaus' father Senior Rabbi Dovid Grynhaus is rather… shall we say… similar to how the community has handled such individuals for centuries.
To wit:
'Giving evidence in defence of his son, he was asked what punishment would be issued for sexual abuse by the Charedi community. He said: “It would be seen he was never in a position to repeat such things. Safeguards would be put in place. Punishment would be a good dressing down by the Beth Din.”' (17)
Now for those who are unfamiliar with it; a Beth Din is a jewish religious court on which sits the senior rabbis of the jewish community (like Rabbi Dovid Grynhaus). The existence of these courts, which operate as a parallel legal system to the non-jewish secular courts and which explicitly feel no reason to report things to them is conveniently forgotten by many (especially the non-jewish Counter Jihadi types like Tommy Robinson and Robert Spencer).
Also forgotten is the fact that said courts have historically been quite happy handing out death penalties for 'informers' who dare to tell the secular non-jewish authorities what they have been up to. (18) A Beth Din is basically a Sharia court, but for Judaism and is actually more powerful (and not less) compared to its Islamic counterpart.
It is worth pointing out that Rabbi Grynhaus - like most Haredi jews historically and currently - is less concerned about jewish child molesters abusing his children than telling the secular authorities about his house getting burgled. After all one wonders how a 'good dressing down by the Beth Din' is actually a punishment and why if - as apologists of the jews insist - halakha (jewish religious law) requires jews to 'obey the laws of the land in which they reside' does Rabbi Grynhaus seem to think that it isn't a matter for the secular courts.
He isn't alone either as Rabbi Chanoch Erhenteu wrote that:
'In cases such as this religious Jews are obligated to use the full power of law to rid our community of such disgusting acts which crush people and families.' (19)
However Rabbi Erhenteu is being non-specific here and that lack of specifics is probably deliberate since he says that the 'full power of the law' (meaning halakha in all probability) must be followed, but he doesn't specify it is secular non-jewish law he is talking about.
Nor does he specify at what point such powers should be invoked, which is the central issue in discussing systematic Haredi child abuse precisely because victims don't report the incidents generally speaking and the Haredi jewish community isn't interested in listening even if they do so.
In support of this view Yehudis Goldsobel writes:
'However, despite the result of the recent trial, major flaws remain in the way our community responds to accusations of sexual abuse, and if we are to ensure the safety of our children, it is imperative that change takes place both in our homes and in the community at large.' (20)
She goes on to try to attempt to minimize the halakha and rabbinics in regards to 'informers' in Judaism by writing:
'While the Jewish tradition speaks negatively about Jewish informers and mesirah - the reporting of Jews to secular authorities - the existence of a transparent and just judiciary means that these rules do not apply today. Therefore, if you are suspicious about an individual whom you believe may be crossing the boundaries of acceptable interaction with another person, especially a vulnerable person, do something about it and report it to the correct authorities.' (21)
Aside from the absolute nonsensical claim that it was a lack of gentile 'transparency' which gave rise to the halakha on 'informers' (easily disproven by pointing out that the Beth Din and Kahal [jewish religious courts] had full legal power over the jews for most the medieval and early modern eras, when the rabbinic commentary on the subject of 'informers' was largely formulated, with the only sentence they could not give being the death penalty) Goldsobel's point is that the fundamental problem with the Haredi jewish community is that nobody is willing to break the silence and testify for fear of the consequences.
When Rabbi Grynhaus said:
'Our community is led by rabbis. Rabbi [Shraga Feivel] Zimmerman is the boss in [the Charedi community in] Gateshead and if he tells you to do something, you have to listen.' (22)
He is effectively telling us that Haredi jews live in a religious police state run by their Tzaddik or Rebbe.
(2) Ibid.
(5) Ibid.
(6) Ibid.
(7) Myer Lew, 1944, 'The Jews of Poland: Their Political, Economic, Social and Communal Life in the Sixteenth Century as reflected in the Works of Rabbi Moses Isserls', 1st Edition, Edward Goldston: London, pp. 128-130
(14) Ibid.
(15) Ibid.
(16) Ibid.
(17) Ibid.
(18) Lew, Op. Cit., pp. 128-130
(21) Ibid.