Dion Pierre writing for ‘The Algemeiner’ shrieked back in 2022 how:
‘Authorities in Columbus, Ohio, have charged a man who threatened to commit a mass shooting at a Jewish day school with making terroristic threats, according to local reports.
On Friday, a CBS affiliate reported that Thomas Develin photographed himself holding a semi-automatic handgun, and posted the image on social media with the caption, “I’m at a Jewish school and about to make it everyone’s problem … This playground is about to turn into a self-defense situation.”
Develin, who said in a second post that he “wanted to shoot parents coming to pick up their children,” made the posts while working security at Columbus Torah Academy.
Arraigned on Friday, Develin’s bond is set at $1 million.
“For a security guard at a Jewish school to allegedly make deadly, terroristic threats is unthinkable,” commented the regional Anti-Defamation League division.’ (1)
Was Develin making ‘terroristic threats’?
Well sort of but the only reason these are being seen as ‘terrorism’ is because the school concerned is a jewish school rather than a school filled with White kids, a Walmart or some such.
The fact that Develin was employed as a security guard at Columbus Torah Academy and made threats against the same institution suggests this was actually more of a case of ‘going postal’ than anything else. This is also suggested by the fact that even the Anti-Defamation League – not usually shy about claiming everything possible is ‘anti-Semitism’ - didn’t particularly push the ‘anti-Semitic terrorism’ angle even though it could have done so even after Develin was sentenced to 71 months in prison. (2)
The question of what made Develin want to ‘go postal’ is however quite easy to guess precisely because jews have a long record of making non-jews extremely upset and angry with their behaviour in the United States – whether it be in an urban setting (3) or a small town (4) with no previous experience of dealing with jews – and it is quite probable that dealing with jewish parents and their entitled brats day in and day out made Develin want to lose his mind and seek infamy and oblivion by ‘going postal’ on their proverbial entitled kippot-covered asses.
(1) https://worldisraelnews.com/security-guard-at-ohio-jewish-day-school-charged-with-making-terror-threats/
(2) https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/former-ohio-guardsman-sentenced-6-years-ghost-guns-antisemitic-threats-rcna72822
(3) https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2019-08-22/ty-article/.premium/theres-going-to-be-a-shooting-as-this-u-s-jewish-community-grows-so-do-anti-se/0000017f-eb8d-d0f7-a9ff-efcd08610000
(4) Cf. Stephen Bloom, 2000, ‘Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America’, 1st Edition, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Boston