I have frequently commented in the past about the problem of jewish legislators and lobbyists in the United States using their influence and power to require American taxpayers to pay jewish kashruth certification agencies exorbitant fees to ‘certify’ food as kosher. (1)
A fresh example of this has occurred in California with Senate Bill 1080 (SB 1080) - aka ‘The Halal and Kosher School Meals Act’ – being unanimously passed by the Senate Education Committee in April 2024 and which will come into effect during the 2025-2025 school year. (2)
As Annika Bahnsen explains in ‘The Orange County Register’:
‘Dubbed the Halal and Kosher School Meals Act, a proposed bill in the California Legislature would require schools to provide kosher or halal meals if more than 5% of their students request such.
Both kosher and halal meals follow specific Jewish and Islamic dietary practices, respectively, for how food is prepared and served. For kosher meals, dairy and meat cannot be mixed, and only certain animals can be eaten. Halal requires animals to be slaughtered in a particular way and does not permit the consumption of pork products.’ (3)
‘The proposed bill, should it pass, would take effect in the 2025-2026 school year. If at least 5% of a school’s students request halal or kosher options, the school would need to provide them. If less than 5% request alternative options, a school could still provide those options but would not be mandated to do so.
The bill allows school districts or schools to survey students for their meal preferences, however they deem best.
Rabbi Dov Wagner, director of the Chabad Jewish Student Center at USC, said the bill would open up meal options for all students, something that has been tough for children in the past.’ (4)
Put another way Senate Bill 1080 forces schools in California to provide kosher and/or halal certified lunches if 5 percent or more of the student body indicate that they would like provision for such. This seems relative innocuous until you note Bahnsen’s aside that such provision was already undertaken by not serving obviously treif/haram food products such as pork, (5) which is quite sufficient for both jews and Muslims generally speaking who can simply eat vegetarian food/salads if they are in any way concerned as these are broadly kosher/halal.
Thus, it isn’t actually for the students of California that measure is being brought in. The real reason – as I’ve argued elsewhere with other such cases – is to divert taxpayers’ money to jewish (and also Islamic) organizations such as the Orthodox Union who in turn spent over half a million dollars - $614,000 in 2017 alone - lobbying the US government every year under its official legal name: the ‘Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America’. (6)
The Orthodox Union’s principal source of revenue is kashruth certification – which generates tens of millions of dollars for them every year – (7) which allows it to employ over two hundred full time staff members (all of whom are necessarily jewish) (8) but also doesn’t paying any taxes on those tens of millions of dollars every year because it is registered as a religious not for profit organization. (9)
It is thus very easy to see that kashruth (and halal) certification is in essence a scam in that groups like the Orthodox Union receive money for ‘inspecting’ the kashruth/halal compliance of kitchens and manufacturing sites then allow their trademarked symbol to be used on the packaging (or displayed at the eatery/location) which ‘reassures’ jewish/Muslim customers they are eating religiously compliant food.
The problem of course is that both these groups are small minorities in the United States but demand products which are not mostly consumed by them – such as Costco’s beef hot dogs or mineral water (such as San Pellegrino) – be formally ‘checked’ for kosher/halal compliance which is not a cheap process although official figures are not available; we know it is an industry worth tens if not hundred of millions every year at a conservative estimate.
This cost is then put onto the primarily non-jewish/non-Muslim consumer because companies will rarely not pass on a cost like this to consumers or in wage reductions to their primarily non-jewish/non-Muslim employees.
Jews (and Muslims) counter this by claiming that the ‘cost is small’ but while this is true in the sense that they don’t directly charges hundreds of thousands of dollars per product in an annual certification fee; they do charge substantial fees in the tens of thousands of dollars per product (10) and this doesn’t include the cost to the company of making any changes to their facilities or having to change their suppliers which are likely to be substantial given that going by some estimates ‘living kosher’ alone costs over $1,500 to $2,000 dollars a year extra for observant jews (11) which would obviously be greatly magnified when applied to industrial facilities and restaurant/eatery kitchens.
Then – as we have seen – jews and Muslims not paying any tax on that income and then using part of that income to lobby the US government for various things, but often for ‘increased provision’ of ‘kosher and halal food options’ in places like prisons and schools because these measures will then require kashruth/halal certifications groups to come in and be paid by American taxpayers to ‘certify’ that the food cooked there is ‘religiously compliant’ even if only 5 percent of the people at the school (or prison) need such provision and it isn’t really required.
This then increases their income as US taxpayer funds flow in their coffers – which again let’s note that they don’t pay tax on - so they can lobby for more kashruth/halal certification.
Senate Bill 1080 is a good example of this given that it was proposed and promoted by Democratic Senator for Los Angeles Josh Newman (12) who – you guessed it – jewish himself. (13)
One rather suspects he was lobbied by a group like the Orthodox Union and to open up California’s school market to their ‘kashruth supervision’ activities given that only 3.1 percent of California’s residents are jewish, (14) but there are 1,019 school districts alone in California (which have multiple schools each which have to be individually certified) (15) so if we assume representative parity – which is extremely unlikely and likely to be a severe underestimate – and 3.1 percent of these 1,019 school districts are thus required to gain kashruth certification then that means that is circa 32 school districts and if assume a very low figure of 5 schools per school district that gives us 160 schools.
If the annual certification charge for such an institute is $5,000 at the low end (16) – remember the absolute minimum call out fee for a few hours of ‘kashruth supervision’ at an event is $240 – (17) then that means that American taxpayers are paying at least $800,000 a year to groups like the Orthodox Union for ‘kashruth certification’ – tax free of course – and we can reasonably suggest that the true figure will actually be millions if not tens of millions of dollars a year as local jews will push for this in order to decrease their own bills and foisting them back onto American taxpayers.
Or in other words Senate Bill 1080 and the provision of kosher and halal school meals to students in California and other states in the United States is simply jews voting to give other jews money tax free from the almost entirely non-jewish American taxpayers!
(1) See my articles: https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/the-continuing-push-to-have-non-jews; https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/the-cost-of-free-kosher-school-lunches; https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/the-cost-of-kosher-food-to-the-us; https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/how-us-prisons-disprove-the-kosher; https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/the-cost-of-kosher-food-to-hm-prison
(2) https://sd29.senate.ca.gov/news/press-release/california-bill-will-ensure-no-student-will-go-hungry-due-faith
(3) https://www.ocregister.com/2024/04/25/california-schools-may-be-required-to-provide-kosher-and-halal-meals/
(4) Ibid.
(5) Ibid.
(6) https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/summary?cycle=2017&id=D000069691
(7) https://ejewishphilanthropy.com/the-need-for-financial-transparency-at-the-orthodox-union/
(8) https://www.signalhire.com/companies/orthodox-union/employees?page=2
(9) https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-need-for-financial-transparency-at-the-orthodox-union/
(10) See the estimates here: https://www.fooddive.com/news/kosher-food-certification-popularity/621865/; https://www.ka.org.au/kosher-certification/guidelines
(11) https://www.thejc.com/life-and-culture/the-spiralling-cost-of-kosher-living-w856gpz2
(12) https://sd29.senate.ca.gov/news/press-release/california-bill-will-ensure-no-student-will-go-hungry-due-faith
(13) https://jewishjournal.com/news/united-states/213428/
(14) https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/jewish-population-by-state
(15) https://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/ad/ceffingertipfacts.asp
(16) See the estimates here: https://www.fooddive.com/news/kosher-food-certification-popularity/621865/; https://www.ka.org.au/kosher-certification/guidelines
(17) https://kvhkosher.org/kosher-consumers/kosher-event-supervision-rates/