The Ghosts and Hauntings of Auschwitz-Birkenau
The former concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau in southern Poland has long been of interest to professional and amateur paranormal investigators, but like any investigations to do with the so-called ‘Holocaust’. They haven’t been allowed to do any investigation by the paranoid swivel-eyed jews that run the Auschwitz Museum. (1)
That being said the amount of knowledge exhibited by many of those who have commented on the issue among those interested in the investigation of the paranormal is pretty dire to say the least.
However the interesting thing about the alleged hauntings of Auschwitz is how few any concrete accounts actually are. Yes people claim many people have ‘felt weird’ or whatever in Auschwitz, (2) but in terms of documented testimonials of distinctly paranormal activity: the camp is surprisingly lacking.
Now in the interests of transparency; I am not a believer in ghosts or hauntings, but am more than open to the possibility and to examining any new or overlooked evidence for the affirmative case.
However if I was a believer in ghosts or hauntings then I’d have to ask myself the simple question: why?
In other locations where we know mass deaths have occurred – especially if under cruel and torturous conditions – such as prisons, (3) major government strongholds (4) and battlefields (5) –then we have numerous accounts of definite ghostly goings-on.
Yet at Auschwitz there is next to none of this.
I did some digging on the internet and the best I could find is a lady from Finland having taken a photo, which she claims, shows the ghost of a jewish prisoner at Auschwitz wearing his white cap but which actually shows nothing at all when magnified. (6)
The question that believers in ghosts and hauntings need to ask themselves is if the ‘Holocaust’ happened as claimed: then why are there so few ghosts and apparitions reported at its epicentre Auschwitz?
If as claimed over a million people died there: why are there so few ghosts when compared to say the Tower of London or Alcatraz where far few died and in less apparent suffering?
You see my point?
If there was no ‘Holocaust’ as claimed then wouldn’t that account for the lack of ghosts at Auschwitz-Birkenau?
Why yes it would.
(2) For example:;