Blaze Bernstein was famously murdered by Samuel Woodward on 3rd January 2018 in California and the mainstream media exploded with paeans of praise to Bernstein and enraged shrieking about his killer Woodward.
The crux of their narrative was Woodward’s involvement with Atomwaffen Division and his push to ‘take action’ specifically against homosexuals. That Bernstein was a jewish homosexual only added to the fire of their self-righteous rage, but as time has gone on and the rage has dissipated the facts have started to emerge which begin to offer a very different picture of Woodward and Bernstein’s relationship as well as what may have led to Bernstein’s death.
In the first instance there is the fact that Woodward was actually a former classmate of Bernstein and the two somewhat knew each other at the Orange County School of the Arts. (1)
In the second instance there is the fact that Woodward was himself ‘struggling his sexuality’ – i.e., he was himself dealing with the mental illness rather euphemistically called ‘same sex attraction’ – and had been ‘obsessively’ visiting ‘gay dating’ and hook up sites (jewish-created and owned Grindr is specifically mentioned) (3) then claiming to ‘ghost’/‘threaten’ the homosexuals who contacted him. (4)
In the third instance there is the fact that Woodward was regularly visiting gay porn websites (5) and thus was clearly identifying as a homosexual and struggling his mental illness.
In the fourth instance there is the fact that Woodward was struggling with drug use. (6)
In the fifth instance there is the fact that Bernstein and Woodward appear to have bonded over their shared homosexuality after discovering each other on a ‘gay dating’ app/site and talking about their shared ‘struggles’ at home. (7)
In the sixth instance there is the fact that Woodward and Bernstein appear to have been in an on again, off again homosexual relationship with Bernstein trying to seduce Woodward and Woodward alternately giving in and rejecting Bernstein. (8) Evidence of this was actually adduced at the trial with Bernstein’s DNA being on Woodward’s sleeping bag suggesting the two had had sex in it.
Clearly Woodward struggled with several mental issues – including but not limited to Aspergers – but despite the attempts to blame Woodward’s involvement with Atomwaffen Division; it is fairly clear that despite the rhetoric about so-called ‘hate crime’ and ‘neo-Nazis’. Atomwaffen Divison had little to do with it beyond giving Woodward a social and intellectual outlet for his mental illness and desire to engage in sodomy.
It appears that Woodward intended to meet up with Bernstein for another sexual encounter and – as probably normal for him – took his father’s knife with him to the isolated spot in Borrego Park where he and Bernstein planned to meet up to have sex and something triggered Woodward – maybe Bernstein was being deliberately provocative – and caused him to lose his already perilously poor self-control and repeatedly stab Bernstein to death then try and hide the body in a shallow grave.
Indicative of this is the fact that despite citations of Woodward’s concern for trying to cover his tracks in the aftermath of the murder; he doesn’t seem to have planned it at all beyond being a murderous fantasy where he - in essence - killed Bernstein as a symbol of the homosexuality that he desperately wanted to kill in himself.
The murder of Blaze Bernstein thus has little to nothing to do with anti-Semitism or Bernstein’s Jewishness and everything to do with the dysfunctional romantic/sexual relationship that was going on between Samuel Woodward and Bernstein.
It is that simple but it hasn’t stopped jews trying to attribute the crime to so-called ‘anti-Semitism’.
(2) Ibid.; also
(3) also; on ‘Grindr’ see my article:
(5) Ibid.
(6) Ibid.
(7) Ibid.
(8) Ibid.; also