Returning to a fan favourite we have another ‘Holocaust’ claim from Yehiel De-Nur – a ‘Holocaust survivor’ and principal witness at the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961 – (1) about alleged experiences that occurred to jews during the Second World War in German territory.
Again, what differentiates De-Nur from your run-of-the-mill ‘Holocaust survivor’ is that he is part of a few dozen ‘Holocaust survivors’ whose ‘testimony’ appears at the two official ‘Holocaust’ trials: Nuremberg and the Eichmann Trial. So, his words carry far greater weight than say Irene Zisblatt’s claims because they were chosen by the ‘Holocaust’ industry at a very early date as both ‘best in class’ and factually true.
Hence, they can reasonably be said to be an official part of ‘Holocaust’ orthodoxy not just a jew with PTSD having weird fever dreams about Auschwitz decades later.
In this instance De-Nur is talking in the third person and relating the story of his jewish friend Abrasha where he states the following:
‘During the war years Abrasha had hidden in a cesspool on a Polish peasant’s farm. Only at night, when the peasant was fast asleep, would Abrasha crawl up from the pit like a rat and prowl the fields for something, anything, to eat. After that there was never enough in the air in the whole world to blow away the stench in his nostrils. From then on every breath he took made his upper lip curl upwards, as if for him the world retained its stench
The only thing that kept Abrasha clinging precariously to life was his story, the story of his years in the shit pit.’ (2)
In summary then De-Nur is claiming that Abrasha lived in a Polish farmer’s cesspit/cesspool – basically where you dump human and animal excrement plus any other organic waste – for circa four to five years (i.e., 1940 to 1945) seemingly without the farmer knowing, while crawling out at night and living off the land.
Not only is this unlikely because of the fact that living in a cesspit/cesspool would have likely killed Abrasha via disease due to his certain ingestion of faeces/prolonged close proximity to untreated sewage (3) and the fact that he would have almost certainly – by De-Nur’s own account – have been starving and dehydrated as well as likely subject to exposure/hypothermia (4) but it would have been a minor miracle if the Polish farmer hadn’t discovered Abrasha during this whole time given he was presumably still using said cesspit/cesspool during these four to five years.
The truth is then that this makes literally no sense whatsoever and Abrasha couldn’t possibly have lived in a cesspit/cesspool for four to five months let alone four to five years!
The truth is then this is simply either made up nonsense by De-Nur, Abrasha or both and is yet another example of the festering (pun intended) nonsense testimony at the heart of the ‘Holocaust’ claim.
(1) Yehiel De-Nur, 1998, [1989], ‘Shivitti: A Vision’, 1st Edition, Gateways: San Francisco, p. 32;
(2) De-Nur, Op. Cit., p. 70
(3) See for example:;
(4) See for example: