Continuing on with a new piece of ‘Remarkable Holocaust Nonsense’ we have the claim from Auschwitz ‘Holocaust survivor’ Filip Muller that jews took soap and towels into the gas chambers at Auschwitz with them.
I quote his memoir ‘Eyewitness Auschwitz’ as follows:
‘When Hossler had finished his address, the people began to undress, the men on one side, women and children on the other. Still plagued by hunger and thirst and remembering that food and drink had been promised them after their baths they now pushed and shoved to be first in the ‘showers’. Thus, a towel slung over their arm and clutching a cake of soap, they entered, all unsuspecting, the three gas chambers of crematorium 5.’ (1)
Now clearly this doesn’t fit with the modern ‘Holocaust’ narrative at all since if jews took cakes of soap and towels into the gas chambers of Auschwitz then this means that the cakes of soap would be impregnated with hydrogen cyanide and likely unusable or at least unable to be used again for quite some time, but would have also had to have been gathered and removed from the gas chambers before the next gassing which adds an extra layer of pointless complexity into the equation.
The towels are less of a problem – given that Zyklon B was routinely used to disinfect clothing throughout the Third Reich’s concentration camp system – but still add in extra work.
An additional element to adding both cakes of soap and towels into the ‘Holocaust’ equation is the fact that due to the soiling with both urine and faeces caused by human bowels releasing as the dozens of jews in the gas chamber perished; the cakes of soap and towels would be impregnated with said urine and faeces and would thus require further (and pointless) cleaning and use of scarce resources by the Auschwitz staff and prisoners.
It makes very little if any sense whatsoever practically, but it sounds absolutely great as an extra little detail in a propaganda account meant to emphasize the devious cunning of the Germans in disguising their ‘gas chambers’ as ‘shower rooms’ to the extent of jews having cakes of soap and towels to complete the supremely Machiavellian deception.
Naturally modern defenders of the ‘Holocaust’ will seek to try to claim it is an ‘isolated account’ and ‘not taken seriously’ by scholars of the ‘Holocaust’.
And what is the problem with that narrative?
Well Yehuda Bauer – one of the main scholarly authorities in ‘Holocaust’ research – wrote the preface fully endorsing Muller’s account as completely genuine (and we may reasonably suggest that Bauer should know) (2) and this very testimony is supported as genuine by both the ‘Jewish Virtual Library’ of the Israeli quango ‘The American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise’ and the major ‘Holocaust denial debunking’ website ‘Nizkor’. (3)
In other words: the claim by Muller that ‘cakes of soap and towels’ were taken into the gas chambers of Auschwitz by jews thinking they were about to have a shower but were gassed instead is endorsed by both major scholarly authorities of the ‘Holocaust’ and also by modern ‘anti-Holocaust deniers’ as well as major jewish organizations.
And jews wonder why ‘Holocaust denial’ is flourishing?
(1) Filip Muller, 1979, ‘Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers’, 1st Edition, Stein and Day: New York, p. 81
(2) Ibid., pp. xi-xii