Sometimes people ask me why I cover historic jewish child molester cases and the answer to that is fairly simple in that they need to be better known to counteract the squeaky clean moral image that jews like to foster for themselves while maligning gentiles – usually Roman Catholic priests as it happens – as being serial child molesters which is simply not true, but ironically is true of a great many rabbis at – I would conjecture – a much higher rate than any Christian (or other) clergy or religious leaders/priests.
Another such case is what of Rabbi Joel Kolko of Brooklyn, New York who was an ardent homosexual and child molester operating in the mid-2000s.
In December 2006 article in ‘The New York Times’ Daryl Khan
‘A rabbi charged with sexual abuse of a minor at a school in Brooklyn walked out of criminal court yesterday after posting $5,000 bail.
Rabbi Joel Kolko, 60, a former teacher and assistant principal at Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah, an all-boys private school on 555 Ocean Parkway in Midwood, was arraigned on two counts of sexual abuse in the first and second degree and one count of endangering the welfare of a child in two separate episodes — one with a boy who was 6 at the time, the other with a man, 31.
During the arraignment, an assistant district attorney, Marc Fliedner, said Rabbi Kolko placed his hand on a 6-year-old student’s penis during school hours in October 2003. In January 2005, Mr. Fliedner said, Rabbi Kolko forced an adult to place his hand on the rabbi’s penis, also inside the school. Neither of the complainants was named in court papers because of the nature of the allegations.
Civil lawsuits filed by the adult in the case, along with three other adult victims, alleges a pattern of sexual abuse for decades and an effort to cover it up. Jeffrey Herman, a Miami-based lawyer who filed the lawsuits, said yesterday was a difficult for the plaintiffs.
“They’ve been living with this their entire adult lives,” Mr. Herman said. “They came forward to make sure he wouldn’t do this to anyone else, and for them to see another child has been abused is devastating for them.”’ (1)
Indeed Kolko got a sweetheart deal from then Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes who Kolko’s lawyers cut a deal with in 2008 despite having a slam dunk case against their client; allowing the rabbi to plead guilty to misdemeanour child endangerment and was explicitly excused by Hynes (2) as part of a long-established pattern of letting Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox jews off from criminal charges – despite often having strong cases - as the result of backroom deals in exchange for political and probable financial support from the powerful and rich Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox jewish community. (3)
However, in 2016 Kolko’s victims had won a total of $2.1 million in settlement payments in exchange for their silence from his former employer Yeshiva Torah Temimah in Brooklyn as Spencer Burnett in the ‘New York Post’ explains:
‘A prominent Orthodox Jewish school in Brooklyn agreed to pay an unprecedented $2.1 million to two former students who charged their teacher — accused serial molester Rabbi Joel Kolko — of sexually assaulting them, The Post has learned.
Kolko’s case marks the first time a New York yeshiva has paid off victims of sex abuse, experts said.
“This is unheard of. I am not aware of any other settlements,” said Rabbi Yosef Blau, a spiritual adviser at Yeshiva University in Manhattan and longtime victims advocate.
Secret settlements between Yeshiva Torah Temimah on Ocean Parkway and two boys — 6 years old when molested — were filed in Brooklyn Supreme Court a week ago when the yeshiva failed to make payments.
Lawyers for the two plaintiffs filed a judgment for $1 million — the total the yeshiva still owes both boys for the trauma they suffered.
Both lawsuits alleged the yeshiva and its leader, Rabbi Lipa Margulies, knew for decades that Kolko was molesting students, but chose to keep him on as an elementary teacher and “give him unfettered access to young children.”
Kolko allegedly had boys sit on his lap and fondled their genitals.
For 25 years, the yeshiva received “multiple credible allegations of pedophilia” against Kolko. It covered them up and even threatened families who dared to complain, the suits charged.
Kolko, now 70, got a controversial deal from then-Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes in May 2012: He pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of child endangerment and did not have to go to jail or register as a sex offender.
In the newly revealed settlements, Torah Temimah in November 2014 paid one ex-student $900,000 and the other $1.35 million. The school admitted no wrongdoing.
The settlements could deter the protection of sex predators, Blau said: “If word gets out, other schools will think twice if they hear about abuse.”
Sex-abuse expert Marci Hamilton said cases are rare in New York because victims must sue predators before age 23 and institutions by age 21. A pending bill in the state Legislature would extend the statute of limitations.
“Even as teenagers, it’s impossible to process what’s happened to them by someone they trusted,” Hamilton said. “Asking them to come forward is much more than most of them can handle.”
Four other ex-students have previously sued Torah Temimah as adults, charging Kolko molested them at ages 11 to 13, but the courts tossed their cases as filed too late.’ (4)
In summary then Kolko was a serial homosexual jewish child molester who was deliberately protected by jews leveraging their significant political and financial power in Brooklyn to achieve the objective of getting Kolko off of significant criminal charges and with which they largely succeeded.
Despite the lack of justice in this case – only somewhat negated by the fact that Rabbi Kolko’s death was drawn out and painful given that he died gasping for air having contracted COVID in Israel in November 2020 – (5) it is a good example of the reality of the jewish question and who jews really are.
Even though his death was a coincidence, his writhing in pain was a perfect ending for a "Rabbi".
Perfect for a disgusting animal.