Magda Goebbels, Victor Arlosoroff and Zionism
In my recent articles concerning the murder of Victor Arlosoroff in June 1933: I pointed out that the likeliest culprits were not the Third Reich (1) or Arabs, but rather the more radical elements of Revisionist Zionism surrounding the ideologue Abba Ahimeir (nee Shaul Heisinovitch). (2) I have also discussed the allegations made on the internet that Magda was herself jewish in a separate article. (3)
What I have not addressed however is the nature of Magda Goebbels and Victor Arlosoroff's relationship as well as the commitment that Magda gave to espousing Zionism as a cause. This is interesting precisely because of Magda's later fanatical espousal of the cause of National Socialism and her deliberately contrived marriage to the then Gauleiter of Berlin: Joseph Goebbels.
Some biographers of Magda - notably Anja Klabunde - believe that she was drawn to power and independently-minded men (4) and this lies at the root of her commitment first to Zionism then to National Socialism. However I would argue that this is somewhat mistaken as it assumes that the Third Reich was inherently opposed to the idea of Zionism: the fact is that it wasn't.
The Third Reich viewed Zionism as a final solution of the jewish question: since by creating a jewish state and then sending all the jews there. The jews would no longer be able to easily operate against other peoples under the guise of being fellow-countrymen who just happened to be jewish. This jewish state didn't have to be in Palestine and indeed Herzl himself had envisioned a jewish state as being only really viable in Argentina, while the Third Reich variously envisioned Madagascar, part of Poland and/or part of the Ukraine.
Therefore it is reasonable to suppose - as Lenni Brenner did in his 'Zionism in the Age of the Dictators' - that the Third Reich and Zionists in general had a concordance of goals: both wanted the jews out of Europe for good and the Third Reich was more than happy to support any group that would help it remedy the problematic jewish question (hence Adolf Eichmann's famous visit to Palestine in the late 1930s).
From this we can see that the Third Reich and Zionism are not nearly as far apart historically as many current adherents to both those schools of thought (National Socialism and Zionism) would aver.
This significantly plays into Magda's relationship with Victor, because while she had been regularly attending Zionist meetings for some time after they had begun their relationship: (5) she was regarded by Victor's jewish comrades as an inferior non-jew (6) who only gained admittance to their meetings because of her status as Victor's girlfriend. (7) Victor's obsession with Zionism (and Marxism) (8) was tearing their relationship apart (9) as Victor simply didn't care for Magda much after he had finally bedded her (and there are reasonable grounds for supposing that Victor took Magda's virginity (10) although there are other candidates (11)).
What really did it for their relationship however was Magda's discovery that Victor had been cheating on her with a blonde jewess named Gerda from an influential jewish family in Konigsberg: (12) who soon after announced she was pregnant with Victor's child (13) and Victor was forced to marry her. (14) Although that didn't stop Victor cheating on Gerda in turn with another young jewess - later destined to be his second and last wife who was with him when he was murdered - named Sima. (15)
This then illustrates the fact that Victor was quite the revolutionary-cum-love rat with both non-jewish and jewish ladies (rather like Che Guevara) and kept running away and leaving them in the lurch whenever he was tired of them (which was what he was doing according to Klabunde). (16) In other words Victor behaved atrociously to Magda in that he used her, he abused her and then he dumped her.
Is it so much a surprise that after being abused by Victor, her mother having an acrimonious divorce with her jewish stepfather (Richard Friedlander) and having been brought up to some extent in a heavily jewish area (her street even had a kosher butcher) (17) that Magda would come to see jews as a dangerous group of people who needed to kicked out of Germany post haste?
It cannot be as a big a surprise as all that given Victor's treatment of her and his extreme commitment to his jewishness (and the fact that he never served Germany in the First World War in spite of being of age [he went to university instead]) (18) that she came to reject that jewishness, but as we have seen her earlier commitment to Zionism would have slotted in nicely with the National Socialist politics of her second husband Joseph Goebbels, which she had been introduced to by her first husband the industrialist Gunther Quandt. (19)
In essence Magda's commitment to Zionism via Victor and his abuse of her was her highway to National Socialism. It just goes to show that anti-Semitism is not unrelated to jewish behaviour no matter how many times jews and their supporters desperately, and as time goes on more and more ludicrously, claim that anti-Semitic sentiment bears no relation to jewish behaviour.
(1) See my article:
(2) See my article:
(3) See my article:
(4) Anja Klabunde, 2003, 'Magda Goebbels', 1st Edition, Time Warner: London, p. 23
(5) Ibid.
(6) Ibid., p. 37
(7) Ibid., p. 38
(8) Ibid., p. 50
(9) Ibid., p. 36
(10) Ibid., p. 48
(11) Hans-Otto Meissner, 1980, 'Magda Goebbels: First Lady of the Third Reich', 1st Edition, Nelson: Ontario, p. 22
(12) Klabunde, Op. Cit., p. 38
(13) Ibid., p. 49
(14) Ibid., p. 58
(15) Ibid., p. 75
(16) Ibid.
(17) Ibid., p. 74
(18) Ibid., p. 26
(19) Meissner, Op. Cit., p. 31