Jewish Invention Myths: The Nuclear-Powered Submarine
Jews love to claim anything related to the military as their own in order to make it seem like they are the ‘Great Warriors’ they would like to portray themselves to be. The reality of course is that they are neither ‘Great Warriors’ or ‘Great Inventors’ since – as we’ve seen so far in this series of articles – a lot of what is claimed by (and sometimes even attributed to) them is not actually theirs or is shared credit with non-jews.
Another great example of this is the claim that jews invented the nuclear-powered submarine.
‘MNews’ claims that:
‘Hyman George Rickover – Nuclear-powered submarine
The creator of the world's first nuclear submarine, Admiral Hyman Rickover will forever remain a cult figure with many legends surrounding his personality that will live on as long as the nuclear fleet lives.’ (1)
As with many ‘jewish invention’ claims there is an element of truth in this claim which implies that Rickover invented the nuclear-powered submarine.
This is simply untrue as ‘Global Security’ explains:
‘On March 17, 1939, at a meeting at the Naval Research Laboratory attended by Dr. George Peagram of Columbia University, Dr. Ross Gunn, Capt. Hollis Cooley, R. Adm. Harold Bowen, Fermi revealed his assumptions. If certain technical problems could be solved, he reported, it should be possible to initiate a chain reaction that could be used in an explosive or that could be controlled. In either case energy would be released. Three days after this meeting, Captain Cooley and Dr. Gunn outlined a plan to Admiral Bowen to build a "fission chamber" that would generate steam to drive turbines to power a submarine. The idea that would eventually lead to USS Nautilus had been conceived.
The construction of a nuclear-powered submarine was one of the first possibilities envisioned for applying the new knowledge of fission.
There was, however, little follow-up on the idea. Dr. Gunn did continue to study the problems involved in developing a fission chamber, but the absence of government support for research, the Navy's lack of interest in such a novel project, and government regulations governing outside contracting limited the Naval Research Laboratory's efforts.’ (2)
In summary then Hollis Cooley and Ross Gunn saw the potential of nuclear power – as outlined to them by Enrico Fermi - and how this could be used to power a new kind of submarine which he outlined in an internal memorandum to the director of the Naval Research Laboratory on 1st June 1939 entitled: ‘Submarine Submerged Propulsion — Uranium Power Source’. (3)
The reality then is as Joseph-Jacob Aherne has pointed out in that the originator of the nuclear-powered submarine is Dr. Ross Gunn not Admiral Hyman Rickover.
Since while Rickover was a key stakeholder and promoter of the commissioning of the first US nuclear submarine – the USS Nautilus on 30th September 1954 – (4) it was Gunn who came up with and promoted the concept and from Gunn that Rickover directly took the idea. (5)
Ergo Hyman Rickover did not invent nor create the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine but rather Hollis Cooley and Ross Gunn did.
(3) Naval Research Laboratory, 2000, ‘The Little Book of Big Achievements’, p. 5 (
(4) Joseph-James Aherne, 2003, ‘"We had the hose turned on us!": Ross Gunn and the Naval Research Laboratory's early research into nuclear propulsion, 1939-1946’, Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 2, p. 217
(5) Ibid., pp. 218-234