Jewish Invention Myths: Kidney Dialysis and the Artificial Kidney Dialysis Machine
Another ‘invention myth’ that jews like to claim is that they invented the Artificial Kidney Dialysis Machine with Kathyrn Bernheimer reciting this piece of historical nonsense in the ‘Boulder Jewish News’. (1)
Let’s correct the historical record: shall we?
Jews did not invent either Kidney Dialysis or the Artificial Kidney Dialysis Machine.
Dialysis was invented by Scottish chemist Thomas Graham in the nineteenth century, (2) while the first recorded successful kidney dialysis was performed on animals in 1913 by American and Canadian doctors John Abel, Leonard Rowntree and Benjamin Turner at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. (3)
The Artificial Kidney Dialysis Machine was invented by the Dutch doctor Willem Kolff in 1943 and was used to saved 16 patient’s lives between 1944 and 1945. (4)
As Denton Cooley wrote in 2009 in ‘The Texas Heart Institute Journal’:
‘Dr. Kolff witnessed the painful death of a young man from kidney failure. That experience aroused his interest in artificial-organ development and inspired him to begin developing an artificial kidney. The original device, which filled an entire room and resembled an oversized hot tub, was the prototype for the contemporary hemodialysis machine, which has saved millions of lives worldwide since 1945.’ (5)
So how did the claim come about that jews ‘invented’ the Artificial Kidney Dialysis Machine?
Well as William Drukker explains Kolff was a true believer in the Hippocratic oath and sent versions of his machine sent to multiple hospitals in both Canada and the United States (with the added objective of furthering his career by exposing his invention to the world in which goal Kolff was ultimately successful).
One of Kolff’s machines was then used by jewish doctors Alfred Fishman, Isidore Snapper and – the possibly jewish – Irving Kroop at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York perform the first human dialysis in the United States on 26th January 1948. (6)
This was presumably then transposed by jewish writers like Bernheimer into ‘the jews invented the Artificial Kidney Dialysis Machine when in fact they didn’t but simply used an existing invention by non-jew that used the scientific discoveries of several other non-jews to perform kidney dialysis on humans for the first time in the United States.
So not only did jews not invent kidney dialysis and the Artificial Kidney Dialysis Machine; to claim they did so is basically engaging in blatant intellectual theft and dishonesty!
(2) William Drukker, 1989, ‘Haemodialysis: A Historical Review’, pp. 21-22 in John Maher (Ed.), 1989, ‘Replacement of Renal Function by Dialysis: A Textbook of Dialysis’, 3rd Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht
(3) John Abel, Leonard Rowntree, Benjamin Turner, 1990, ‘“On the Removal of Diffusable Substances from the Circulating Blood by means of Dialysis”, Transactions of the Association of American Physicians, 1913’, Transfusion Science, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 164-165
(6) Drukker, Op. Cit., p. 33