On the request of a reader; I decided to look into the world of personal DNA testing.
What I found surprised me, because as you know the personal DNA testing marketing is largely dominated by 23andMe,(1) which was founded in 2006 by Paul Cusenza, Linda Avey and Anne Wojcicki. Cusenza left the company in 2007 and Avey followed his example in 2009 leaving Wojcicki in charge as the remaining founder and long-term CEO of the company.
Now while Avey and Cusenza aren’t jewish; Wojcicki most certainly is. (2)
Further to that in 2007; Wojcicki received a large amount of funding from a venture capitalist consortium led by Google co-founder Sergey Brin – who is similarly jewish –who she had just happened to marry earlier that year. (3)
This in itself – as well as various doubts concerning the integrity and validity of the analysis of the test data provided to customers (4) as well as Brin and Wojcicki’s strong left-wing politics – (5) suggests that this domination of the market is not likely to be benign or apolitical in nature.
23andMe’s main competitor is AncestryDNA, which is Ancestry.com’s response to 23andMe’s product.
AncestryDNA is run by Tim Sullivan – a globalist who wants to dissolve all borders and flood Europe and North America with third world immigrants – (6) and owned by ModusLink Global Solutions (aka James Boucher) and Permira (aka Nicholas Ferguson).
Neither of these two individuals is jewish, but Ferguson is extremely pro-Israel and has close links to the Murdoch media empire as the former Chairman of its flagship BSkyB corporate entity. (7)
The third and most recent competitor to 23andMe is Geno 2.0 produced and marked by National Geographic via its Editor-in-Chief Susan Goldberg till 2021 – who is jewish – (8) and likely at the instigation of its then globalist CEO Gary Knell. Who also happens to be a member of the Council for Foreign Relations. Knell has since been replaced by Jill Tiefenthaler; who may possibly be jewish. (9)
This means in effect that two of the three big Personal DNA Testing companies are significantly influenced by jewish interests and that the main market player 23andMe can be reasonably described as a highly-politicised left-wing business run and owned by jews.
Compare this to medical end of the personal DNA testing industry that 23andMe is currently withdrawing from (10) and in which it had five principle competitors: (11) CardioDX (run by Khush Mehta), Counsyl (run by Ramji Srinivasan and Eric Evans), Guardant Health (run by Helmy Eltoukhy and Amir Ali Hajhossein Talasaz), Knome (run by Wolfgang Daum) and Navigenics (run by David Agus and Dietrich Stephan).
Of these individuals only David Agus is jewish. (12)
This suggests that jews are not really interested in the part of the industry, which is try to actually help its customers but are very, very keen on the more political part of the industry. In which they can preach to their majority European and White American customers that they are all ‘mixed race’ and that there are no ‘pure Europeans’.
(1) https://www.nature.com/news/the-rise-and-fall-and-rise-again-of-23andme-1.22801
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Wojcicki#Early_life
(3) https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2014/04/sergey-brin-amanda-rosenberg-affair
(4) See for example: https://www.exploringlifesmysteries.com/23andme-vs-ancestry-vs-ftdna-vs-geno-2-0/ ; http://uk.businessinsider.com/best-dna-test-23andme-ancestry-national-geographic-2017-4?r=US&IR=T ; https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/22/ancestrydna-versus-23andme/
(5) https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/23andme-co-founder-anne-wojcickis-washington-charm-offensive/2014/06/27/b465b086-f240-11e3-9ebc-2ee6f81ed217_story.html?utm_term=.88cefd1b52f0 ; http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/01/political-leanings-of-silicon-valley.html
(6) https://blog.eogn.com/2017/01/30/ancestrys-ceo-tim-sullivans-message-concerning-the-recent-restrictions-on-immigration/
(7) https://www.ft.com/content/aafac5fa-7e74-11e1-b009-00144feab49a#axzz2BMq32yv5
(8) https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/masthead/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldberg_(surname)
(9) https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=tiefenthaler
(10) https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniemlee/23andme-anne-wojcicki-next-generation-sequencing?utm_term=.pnvA3bQyV#.ww6bpDw43
(11) https://datafox.com/competitors/23andme