Hoax Confirmed: Weirdness in Winnipeg (2019)
In 2019 it was all going at the BerMax Caffe in Winnipeg with the business being subjected to four so-called ‘anti-Semitic hate crimes’ in a matter of a few months.
To wit:
‘Winnipeg police are investigating an incident at a cafe on Corydon Avenue as a hate crime.
Emergency services were called to BerMax Caffe for a medical call on Thursday around 10:45 p.m.
When they arrived, responders found a woman inside the restaurant who had been assaulted. She was taken to hospital in stable condition, treated and released.
Officers determined the business was a target for a robbery. The entire restaurant had been vandalized and the word “Jew” was spray-painted on the windows and in the parking lot.
Police say this is the fourth hate crime at the same business in the last five months.’ (1)
In my article on the second attack at the time I commented that:
‘Given that this is the second incident of its kind in a matter of weeks and is part of a rather odd trend of so-called ‘attacks’ (i.e., low level vandalism and criminality) I rather think we need to be suspicious of this so-called ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’, because it seems utterly implausible that after five years of so-called ‘targeted hate crime’ against the restaurant. No one has been caught, identified or even filmed conducting the ‘attacks’.
It seems rather more likely that this is a campaign by the ultra-Orthodox jewish owners to keep the restaurant alive – a notoriously difficult industry to be successful in at the best of times – rather than some kind of international Nazi conspiracy to upset two particular ultra-Orthodox jews running a kosher restaurant in Winnipeg, Canada.’
This analysis was to be validated by the fourth bit of nonsense from the BerMax Caffe since we were supposed to believe that they had also been robbed – which I could believe – but that not only did the robbers steal their money, but bothered to vandalize the whole restaurant, spray paint the adjective ‘Jew’ everywhere and assault a woman in the restaurant itself.
It appeared that the ultra-Orthodox jewish owners were getting desperate to get some of that insurance money and get some funding support and sympathetic custom from the local jewish community and gullible goyim. So, they escalated the ‘anti-Semitic hate crimes’ – which mysteriously continued to happen despite the police in Winnipeg doing their best to try and identify which ‘evil local Nazis’ were ‘doing it’ – in order to try and get even more money for their ever-empty pockets as shown by the local Christian group ‘rallying to their support’ because… well… muh ‘anti-Semitism’. (2)
And then what do you know?
It was suddenly announced by Winnipeg’s police force that they had formally charged one of the restaurant’s ultra-Orthodox jewish owners Maxim Berent with staging the ‘anti-Semitic attacks’ on his own business (3) and the motive was reported to be for financial gain (via fraud) due to the restaurant’s poor financial position. (4)
The Berent family naturally fled Canada to avoid the criminal charges with no apparent desire to return to face the music although perhaps surprisingly their bolt hole of choice was Los Angeles rather than Tel Aviv. (5)
Scratch another ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’ hoax.
(1) https://globalnews.ca/news/5185035/winnipeg-cafe-targeted-with-anti-semitic-graffiti/
(2) https://globalnews.ca/news/5189850/church-plans-vigil-for-winnipeg-jewish-community-following-cafe-hate-crime/
(3) https://www.cjnews.com/news/canada/owners-of-jewish-cafe-charged-with-staging-attack-on-their-business; https://www.timesofisrael.com/canadian-police-say-anti-semitic-attack-on-cafe-was-staged/
(4) https://globalnews.ca/video/5204688/court-documents-show-bermax-caffe-owners-were-in-financial-trouble
(5) https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/family-accused-of-staging-hate-crimes-at-winnipeg-caf%C3%A9-left-canada-before-trial-1.5135062