I am informed by an article by Andrew Levy of the ‘Daily Mail’ – yes yet another writer at the ‘Daily Mail’ happens to be jewish… imagine my shock but anyway – that a historian from Oxford University is very upset with the town council of Lowestoft on the East Suffolk coast for reasons that are best given by Levy.
He writes that:
‘An Oxford historian has criticised a council for 'appropriating' the suffering of Jews after none were invited to take part in a major Holocaust remembrance event.
Professor Lawrence Goldman accused Lowestoft Town Council of not being 'sincere' in its sympathy for Jewish loss after the extraordinary oversight last week.
Large numbers of people were invited to a gathering at the Suffolk community's train station, where hundreds of Jewish children arrived the year before war broke out after being rescued by the Kindertransport operation.
But while a series of councillors gave speeches in front of the crowd, not a single Jew was asked for their thoughts or experiences.
The event was further marred by a row over a councillor's reference to the conflict in Gaza, with critics saying it was inappropriate to the occasion.’ (1)
Now you could be forgiven for being somewhat puzzled here in that Goldman is accusing Lowestoft Town Council of ‘insincerity’ in their ‘Holocaust Remembrance’ because ‘no jew was asked’ or ‘present’ at the main train station in Lowestoft to on the ‘80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz’ to talk about the Kindertransports of jewish children into Britain.
Personally, I have never understood what all the fuss is around the Kindertransports given that the orthodox narrative around assumes that those organizing them had precognitive and/or psychic abilities and could divine the ‘Holocaust’ two to three years before it had ever allegedly occurred to the senior officials of the Third Reich.
That said I have enough experience of jews to know that emotional blackmail via bad PR of this kind has a reason and Goldman is stupid and egoistical enough to actually explain why he is histrionically shrieking like a jew being pursued by a swindled customer when Levy clarifies in detail as follows:
‘In an excoriating letter to the local authority, Professor Goldman, 67, emeritus professor in history at St Peter's College and a representative of Norwich Hebrew Congregation, said it was 'insulting' that no Jewish representatives were present.
'Our culture was appropriated by councillors and others. Jews were not heard in front of a large audience,' he said.
'I must ask you why you bothered to hold this event if you were not sincere in your sympathy for Jewish loss?'
The council organised two other gatherings – the opening event at a cinema where a short film was shown to about 20 people including councillors, and the lighting of candles at a park by primary school children, the latter also presided over by councillors.
But Prof Goldman, a former director of the Institute of Historical Research, added: 'I spoke, and a four-piece kletzmer band played Jewish music.
'But we did so at 9.45am at the East Coast Cinema, having been told this was the main event, to a tiny audience, far from the rail station where the Kindertransport trains stopped.
'Meanwhile, the main event went ahead before a packed audience, standing room only, where no Jew spoke.
'I had told the story of a Jewish woman who escaped and survived the Holocaust but to a small, disparate audience, in the wrong place.
'You could have heard direct testimony from me or another Jew about actual people who died in, or survived, the Holocaust. Instead, councillors took the floor.'
He added: 'Other people "appropriated" Jewish history and spoke about Jewish suffering. No Jew was allowed to do so, which we thought was the point of the invitation.
'I question the sincerity of Lowestoft Town Council and the organisation of the event. Jews were "othered".'’ (2)
Let me put that another way.
There was a jewish event at which Goldman in fact spoke and a Klezmer band played but… it had a tiny audience while the main memorial event Goldman didn’t get the opportunity to speak at and which was very well attended. The lack of attendance may well have been related to Goldman speaking and a Klezmer band playing but apparently Goldman in his manifest and ridiculous puffed-up self-importance hasn’t considered that eminent possibility.
So basically, Goldman is seriously upset because no one wanted to hear him drone on and on about ‘Holocaust experiences’ and listen to some likely out-of-tune amateur band and instead simply attended the main ceremony.
In other words, the problem here isn’t Lowestoft Town Council: it is Lawrence Goldman’s severely bruised ego.
(1) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14354911/council-Holocaust-remembrance-event-no-Jewish-Gaza.html
(2) Ibid.