Well, well, well… Shiryn Ghermezian of the gentile-hating ‘The Algemeiner’ has been sent into a conniption fit after aleXsandro Palombo’s pro-Israel mural – which invoked the so-called ‘Holocaust’ to defend Israel and its partisans from any and all criticism - in the Italian city of Milan has been simply painted over by ‘vandals’.
This comes after the same mural was defaced by similar ‘vandals’ which Ghermezian also shrilly claimed was ‘anti-Semitism’ in ‘The Algemeiner’ and I have debunked her claims about this recently. (1)
She writes about this new so-called ‘anti-Semitic outrage’ that:
‘A mural in Milan, Italy, that depicts two Holocaust survivors was recently painted over by vandals, who defaced the artwork last month as well.
The mural, located in Milan’s Piazzale Loreto, was painted by renowned Italian contemporary pop artist and activist aleXsandro Palombo and unveiled on Sept. 28. It shows Italian Senate member for life Liliana Segre and Italian author Sami Modiano, two survivors of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during the Holocaust. They are dressed in a striped uniform, worn by concentration camp inmates, underneath bulletproof jackets with yellow Stars of David badges that have the word “Jude” in the center. The badges resemble the ones Jews were forced to wear by the Nazis during World War II. The mural is titled “Anti-Semitism, History Repeating.”
Palombo shared on Dec. 2 that vandals painted over the entire mural with white paint, erasing it completely. He said in a released statement that he felt “profoundly embarrassed” by the vandalism. He described it as “an offense after the offense” and “the best way to hide antisemitism at a time when antisemitism is spreading and someone has also decided to deny honorary citizenship to a woman who survived the Holocaust.”
Palombo was referring to Pinero, a small town near Turin in Italy that recently rejected efforts to grant honorary citizenship to Segre. A public educator on the topic of the Holocaust, Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella named Segre a senator for life in 2018. This past November, the City Council of Pinero rejected a motion to confer honorary citizenship to Segre as a symbol in the fight against antisemitism. The move sparked controversy, especially in light of the fact that it took place not long after Pinero Mayor Luca Salvai displayed a Palestinian flag on the balcony of the town hall.
Palombo’s mural of Segre and Modiano was previously vandalized on Nov. 11. The yellow Stars of David and the faces of the Holocaust survivors were scraped off.’ (2)
‘In October, a mural by Palombo that showcased Vlada Patapov — a survivor of the Nova music festival massacre that took place during the Hamas-led terrorist attack in Israel on Oct. 7 last year — was also defaced by vandals.
In November 2023, a month after the start of the Israel-Hamas war, Palombo painted a mural that featured Holocaust victim and teenage diarist Anne Frank next to a girl from the Gaza Strip. At the time, he made a second mural of a boy from Gaza dressed as a Hamas terrorist. The boy is depicted standing next to an adult terrorist and together they point their guns at a young Jewish boy from the Warsaw Ghetto during the Holocaust.’ (3)
Notice that Ghermezian’s argument basically boils down to any and all criticism of jews, Judaism and/or Israel is ipso facto ‘anti-Semitic’ and that jews by implication have a ‘right’ to do anything that they like because of the so-called ‘Holocaust’.
Ghermezian completely ignores that the ‘attacks’ on Palombo’s pro-Israel murals are simply part of the same tradition that Palombo himself operates in and instead sees any action against them as amounting to an ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy’ of a sort, while completely ignoring the fact that – as I observed in my original article on this mural – (4) that Palombo is likely being paid/funded to do this by jews in Italy and/or the Israeli state, but also that the ‘arguments’ implicitly made in Palombo’s murals are simply intellectual absurd pro-Israel talking points and quite explicitly seek to justify genocide.
The truth then is not that Palombo is not a ‘victim of anti-Semitism’ but rather is a political artist being outmanoeuvred by other political artists and instead of continuing on the ‘artistic struggle’ – for lack of a better term – Palombo and Ghermezian screech about ‘anti-Semitism’ showing that they have no real answer nor popular support to counter Palombo’s artistic opponents other than to make any and all criticism of jews, Judaism and/or Israel illegal and have their opponents thrown in prison for daring to blaspheme the self-appointed masters of the universe.
(1) See my article: https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/hoax-alert-mogged-in-milan-2024
(2) https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/12/23/mural-holocaust-survivors-italy-completely-painted-over-antisemitic-vandalism/
(3) Ibid.
(4) See my article: https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/hoax-alert-mogged-in-milan-2024