According to the ‘Jerusalem Post’ yet another so-called ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’ has occurred; this time in Brooklyn, New York once again.
They write that:
‘A Jewish man suffered a near-fatal antisemitic attack in Brooklyn in an incident that the NYPD is investigating as a hate crime.
As The Jerusalem Post reported at the time, a visibly Jewish man, P., was slashed in the face while walking on the intersection between Flatbush and Lafayette avenues.
P., a father of two daughters under three, was approached by a man in a mask who shouted “F*** you guys,” which P. said was an obvious reference to Jews. The attacker proceeded to slash P.'s face with a blade before walking away from the scene.’ (1)
Now happily they provide both video stills of the alleged attacker – who is almost completely covered up and in black – and also of the jewish victim’s wounds.
Unlike so many so-called ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’; this clearly happened, but what is far less obvious is the motive that the attacker’s words ‘Fuck you guys’ is hardly ‘anti-Semitic’ which the ‘Jerusalem Post’ tries to get around by claiming – without evidence mind you – that the victim was ‘visibly jewish’, but completely fails to consider the possibly that the ‘you guys’ need to not refer to the victim’s jewishness but could also refer to the victim looking white and thus being mistaken for a white New Yorker or said jewish victim could have been known to (or mistaken for someone else by) the attacker so the ‘you guys’ could mean something far more personal.
It need not be ‘anti-Semitic’ at all and would need to be evidenced as such but good luck trying to get jews to… you know… actually evidence their claims of so-called ‘anti-Semitism’!