According to Dion Pierre writing in rabidly anti-gentile publication ‘The Algemeiner’ the following ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’ occurred in Crown Heights in New York in November 2024.
He writes that:
‘Orthodox Jews in New York City are again frustrated with the collapse of law and order in the Five Boroughs following another attack against a member of their community, this time a child.
According to multiple accounts, an African American male on Monday morning smacked a 13-year-old Jewish boy who was commuting to school on his bike in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. The incident was the second known assault on an Orthodox Jew in the area in less than a week.
“He was riding his bike between Winthrop and Clarkson, near the hospital, when a man slapped him. He arrived at school shaken, and the school contacted his parents and Crown Heights Shomrim [a Jewish organization that monitors antisemitism and also serves as a neighborhood watch group],” Yaacov Behrman, a local Jewish leader, posted on X/Twitter.
Behrman — a liaison for Chabad Headquarters, the main New York base of the Hasidic movement — added that the boy was filing a police report.
A teacher of the young man, Yisrael Eliashiv, added that the assailant, who remains at large, “smacked [the boy] across the face for no reason other than hate. Thankfully, he got away before anything else happened.” The teacher then noted that his student did not initially think to notify the police because he doubted the attacker would receive any punishment.
“I’m fuming to the point I’ve got a migraine … You have kids who are 13 or 14 and have grown up with the attitude of ‘if you get assaulted in the street, just take it because nothing is gonna be done.’ Those are the symptoms not of a sick but of a dead and decaying society,” Eliashiv wrote.’ (1)
Now the simple fact is that in this instance there is no evidence that the ‘13-year-old jewish boy’ was attacked because he was jewish and by said black man. The unstated and unevidenced assumption is that because said ‘13-year-old boy’ was jewish therefore he was attacked because he jewish and not for any other reason.
The truth is very simply that this is just a black-on-jew crime and not an ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’ unless they jews can… well… you know… produce some evidence of that fact!
Paranoia, Soul Destoyer!
Just the facts mame, just the facts!