According to ‘World Israel News’ there has been a so-called ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’ in Toronto, Canada where:
‘Antisemitic vandals broke into and robbed two locations operated by a kosher restaurant in the greater Toronto area over the past few days, local police reported Monday.
The break-ins were carried out at the La Briut Restaurant in Toronto on Sunday night, and in an office used by the restaurant’s management in the nearby town of Markham last Friday.
Police say two suspects broke into La Briut’s Markham office, robbing the business and vandalizing the property with antisemitic graffiti.
The spray-painted messages included “Fuc [sic] Jews’ and “Free Gaza.”
Constable James Dickson of the York Regional Police Department said the Markham break-in was being investigated as a hate crime.
“York Regional Police takes these matters seriously and is reminding the community we will not tolerate any form of hate crime,” Dickson said.
Police released images taken from closed circuit television cameras showing the two masked suspects as they broke into the office and spray-painted its walls.
On Sunday night, the restaurant itself was broken into, with vandals smashing its glass front door and stealing property.’ (1)
For the record this is the damage that was done:
Now there are two problems with this claimed ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’ claim which are not immediately apparent in the ‘World Israel News’ narrative.
Firstly ‘La Bruit’ is not readily identifiable as a jewish business/kosher caterer and the only way you’d know that it was such was by closely looking at the Hechser they use on the front of their packaged catering products or if you went on their website and looked down at their offerings which only then mention their kosher nature.
Secondly ‘La Bruit’ is not located in an obvious nor very visible location at all and is actually buried deep in a park of industrial units and the view from the main road is as follows:
In other words: ‘La Bruit’ is not easily identifiable as a kosher catering business nor is it easy to find.
Put another way, you have to have some kind of specialist knowledge not only to rob it but even more to rob both its restaurant and offices which are in different locations.
The only way you can get past that conundrum is insider knowledge in that either it was a disgruntled (ex-?) employee (or maybe two) or the owners of the business itself, because who else would know exactly what the business sold and where both its restaurant and offices were located?
When we add these two pieces to the puzzle then all of a sudden, the footage of two masked men breaking into ‘La Bruit’s’ restaurant and offices to scrawl oddly illiterate and predictable slogans on its premises for no definable reason and ‘stealing money’ – why was money even on the premises as it is normal business practice to remove it at the end of each day’s trading? – becomes explicable.
Either we are dealing with an angry (ex?) employee (possibly two) or this is a faked ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’ with the intention of drumming up publicity and sympathy and thus also orders from the local jewish community to help ‘La Bruit’ survive/prosper as a going concern.
What this is almost certainly not is an ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’!
Can cash loses be recovered under insurance? If so, this could be a variation on 'jewish lightening'.