Harold Russell Rosenthal, Walter White Jr. and 'The Hidden Tyranny'
The pamphlet and the alleged interview that make up Walter White Jr's pamphlet 'The Hidden Tyranny' have recently come to my attention once again as I happened to be researching the inter-war anti-Communist Edwin Marshall Hadley and my copy of one of Hadley's works 'Kehilla Unmasked' was republished by Walter White Jr. in 1980. (1)
In that work I was reminded of a particular interview that White claimed to have performed in 1976 with Harold Russell Rosenthal - a senior jewish aide to Senator Jacob K. Javits - which he published in his periodical 'Western Destiny' and in pamphlet form. (2)
In this article I'd like to focus on the question of the authenticity of this claimed interview in part because it is used to backup claims of a traditional Protocols of Zion type of jewish conspiracy and also due to the fact that I find White's story rather incredible.
What I will not do in this article is seek to interpret the Rosenthal interview text per se, because I would argue to do that we would have to have some evidence that the interview text is actually genuine (which we do not).
I should begin by correcting an issue I noticed while checking what people had written about 'The Hidden Tyranny' on the internet: it seems an author Charles A. Weisman associated with Christian Identity has been confused as being the interviewer (3) although - as Henry Makow has correctly alluded - the interviewer and author was Walter White Jr. (4)
It is possible that Weisman did claim to be the interviewer and author as he does list it on his site and doesn't mention White in his description of 'The Hidden Tyranny'. (5)
It also possible that Weisman could have been a later pseudonym of White's (I have been unable to establish when White died although he would have been of near retirement age by 1980 and Weisman was still active in 2005), (6) but this seems very unlikely given the significant differences in written styles as well as differences in their intellectual interests.
I am unwilling to rule the possibility out completely in part because White's publication 'Western Front' was head-quartered in Hollywood, which also happens to be where Dr. Wesley Swift (more or less the founder of Christian Identity) had his base and White - throughout his works and 'Western Front' - shows that his racialism and Conservatism is based on a deeply-held sense of Protestant Christian faith with some similarities to Christian Identity.
This, of course, is a side point, but never-the-less one that I felt needed some comment.
Getting back to the thrust of this article I shall begin my commentary on the authenticity of White's transcript by pointing to a peculiar omission on White's part in that he doesn't once mention the date of the interview.
Given that White claims that the interview was 'highly confidential', (7) hints (although does not explicitly claim) that Rosenthal was murdered in a false flag attack by the Israeli state (pretending to be the Palestine Liberation Organization) on an Israeli civilian aircraft in Istanbul on 12th August 1976, (8) that White was kidnapped on the morning of 21st March 1977 for more than five days during which time he was repeatedly beaten up, (9) that he was further badly beaten up on 13th March 1978 (10) and that on 26th September 1979 two men - pretending to be delivering a parcel - forced their way into his home, while holding him and his wife hostage so they could steal the tapes of Rosenthal interview(only to knock White and his wife out when they had obtained them). (11)
Then it is extremely odd that White never once gives us a date that this alleged interview with Rosenthal took place.
We are given dates by White for everything but the very thing that we need the date for in order to verify it: now conversely if the interview never took place then a date could be used to disprove White's story as we could discover where Rosenthal was and where White was.
The argument that the interview was so 'highly confidential' that White wouldn't have disclosed that information is absurd precisely because Rosenthal was dead and White was a well-known critic of jews (being the publisher and chief luminary of 'Western Front' since at least 1967) who in fact styled himself a fearless critic of the jews. (12)
He should have been all too happy to disclose when and where he met Rosenthal for his interview (he did after all pay Rosenthal for his time in his version of events) (13) so that this could be verified by his supporters as - simply put - he had nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so.
After all why give us the dates for all the assaults on his person as well as that of his wife (and I don't have any reason to doubt White's truthfulness here although I do doubt the motives he necessarily suggested were behind these attacks) and not give us the one piece of information that would allow us to easily confirm the authenticity of what he himself referred to as the Protocols of Zion of 1979? (14)
This obviously then gives us cause to doubt White's version of events as well as his transcript as they are unverifiable given that according to White the tapes were stolen in 1979 and the only other person who attended that interview Rosenthal was dead.
This effectively means that we only have White's word that the interview ever took place.
It doesn't help that the interview must - if White's story is to be believed - have taken place some time (presumably at least several weeks given White's allegations about the Israeli state's role in Rosenthal's early demise) before the 12th August 1976, but yet 'The Hidden Tyranny' was only published in mid-late 1977. That is odd precisely because White tells us that he knew he had 'political dynamite' in his hands, (14) but then claims that he waited a year to publish the material out of 'respect' for Rosenthal. (15)
The problem with that is simply that it is completely inconsistent with White's own professed goals in that if he 'knew he had a political weapon' in his hands a new Protocols of Zion in his estimation. (16) Then why would he wait a year out of 'respect' for a man who had been deeply offensive throughout the interview, (17) who White believed to have been a high-ranking member of the jewish conspiracy (18) and who White also believed to have been silenced by that same conspiracy because of said interview? (19)
White claims that he did 'not want to hurt' the Rosenthal family - who had set up a fellowship in his honour (which still operates to this day) - (20) but one has to ask why White would essentially retard his own cause to honour a jewish family that he did not really know and politically was radically opposed to?
Surely if White wanted to honour the legacy of Rosenthal then he would have published what Rosenthal said and made copies of the tapes so that Rosenthal's legacy would help the many at the expense of the few. That he waited a year - which again is a very long time to wait - while believing that distributing this manuscript was a 'God-given mission' (21) is telling Ithink that the transcription isn't exactly kosher.
Another issue which plays into this is that the first version of 'The Hidden Tyranny' - which was published in 1977 - is not actually a transcription as White describes it (22) but rather a series of quotes which we are given little context for. We are given relatively little material from the interview itself and we have to wait till the second batch of material was published in 1979 (or alternatively 1983) for anything resembling a transcription of the interview.
Even then we are told that this conversation came from after the official interview had ended (23) and that there is no transcription of the official material as 'only the first portion' was transcribed (in reality it is a series of excerpts without their context) (24) and the after-interview conversation is supposed to be 'the balance' (i.e., the rest). (25)
This is then contradicted by White's claim that the interview was 'very lengthy' (26) when in fact the first part published in 1977 is considerably shorter than the after-interview conversation that is 'the balance' published in 1979 or 1983. I say this because anyone who has transcribed an interview knows that even a standard interview lasting an hour or two can easily take up ten to fifteen pages of text let alone one that took several hours.
The simple fact is that there is not enough material for the interview transcript to have been published and what was published in transcript form was published later and even then it is not considerable. This then puts the authenticity of the Rosenthal interview in serious doubt because White is effectively telling us he has published the entirety of the transcript, but yet it isn't very long (i.e., he is contradicting himself) and the main interview was never published except for a series of excerpts.
The authenticity of the interview is put in even more jeopardy when we note that White claims that he believed it was a 'divine commandment' that he spread the knowledge about the interview (27) and considering the excerpts he published (which are fairly explosive if true) it would have been a simple thing to prepare and publish the full unedited transcript in the three or four years after the interview, but yet White never did this.
Why did he only publish the after-interview conversation and not the interview itself?
Given of course that the former is rather tame when compared to the latter with only the occasional brash statement then it becomes even more odd precisely because had the original interview contained what he claimed it did then he had a great opportunity to publicly expose the perfidy of the jews and gain attention and readership for his periodical 'Western Front'.
This is amplified greatly when we note that White himself estimates that between 1977 and 1979 'The Hidden Tyranny' had been read by some seven million people! (28)
Why didn't he capitalize on this if it was his divine mission?
The answer is difficult to see other than that White had no interview transcript and was taken aback by the scale of interest and readership of his pamphlet both domestically and internationally.
It is not unreasonable to suggest the following scenario:
White began to receive letters asking for the whole transcript or a copy of the tapes, which of course he could not provide. The weight of requests however forced his hand and he wrote an after-interview conversation in 1979 and then either made-up or used a real burglary at his house in 1979 to claim that the interview tapes had been stolen by the jews (which is then conveniently backed up by the after-interview text with Rosenthal - playing the part of the jewish conspiracy - threatening White not to make copies or 'they would get him'). (29)
This White hoped would stop the requests for the full transcript and the audio recording as well as covering up the original invention of the transcript, which also makes sense of the year that White supposedly waited before publishing. In so far as White probably came up with the idea some time in 1977 and picked Rosenthal as a politically powerful jew who had recently been killed in a high profile terrorist attack to be the 'talking head' of the jewish conspiracy given he could then claim that Rosenthal had been 'silenced' (hence eliminating the possibility of being exposed like recent invented quotes like that infamously attributed to Israel Cohen by Eustace Mullins) as well as giving the transcript the appropriate aura of persecution (i.e., it must be true because it is being allegedly suppressed).
This limelight also nicely explains the difference between the excerpts of the original interview published in 1977 and the after-interview conversation published in 1979 or 1983.
The former quotes are at best largely comical and representative of anti-jewish opinion as opposed to jewish opinion when they make such faux pas as claiming that 'jews control the Kremlin' (30) and the Russian Communist Party (CPSU) was '50 percent jewish' (31) [in 1976 don't forget!] when - at the time of the interview - Zionists were declaring the Kremlin to be anti-Semitic and were engaged in a not inconsiderable public relations battle against it in the United States and the Middle East. (32)
We are also told; in excerpts that are clearly all but summaries from the common English translation of the Protocols of Zion, that the jews have deliberately taken control the printed and publication of textbooks for schools in order to rewrite history, (33) that jews created Israel to disprove the words of Jesus, (34) that Jesus wasn't jewish, (35) the jews aren't the 'chosen people' of Yahweh (36) and so on.
Compare that to the after-interview conversation and we note the dramatic change in that while being belligerent Rosenthal merely claims the jews control the news media in America, (37) Jesus wasn't a jew (again), (38) the jews control the churches and schools (39) and that gentiles are stupid. (40)
In the short the series of excerpts from the original interview are incredibly crude and outlandish in their claims. While the transcript of the after-interview conversation is much more measured in tone with the claims that are made being less broad and stereotyped than those of the excerpts of the original interview.
This change in tone as well as content is difficult to explain by anything other than the two texts being composed indifferent circumstances with the former being written to get attention by providing source material for common anti-jewish arguments and beliefs, while the latter was composed to satisfy the resultant attention and the desire for the original transcripts.
This in short means that the Rosenthal interview as published by White is likely a fake, because - in summary - the two texts are not long enough to be the whole interview as described by White, the two texts are markedly different in tone and content, we do not have a text or a recording of the original interview only excerpts in spite of the considerable interest in the text, the content of the texts is often stereotypical and contrary to common jewish tropes and positions at the time of its alleged occurrence, White does not provide us with any evidence the interview ever took place and we do not know the date of the interview in spite of being told the date of every other event related to 'The Hidden Tyranny'.
In essence there is absolutely no proof the interview ever happened and quite a lot which counts against it having occurred.
(1) Anon. (probably Walter White Jr.), 1980, 'The Lurking Shadow', 1 Edition, Western Front: Hollywood
(2) See Ibid., 'Conclusion', pp. vii-viii; also Walter White Jr., 2003, [1983], 'The Hidden Tyranny', 1 Edition, Patriot Press: Henderson
(3) http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=11222
(4) http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_zion23.htm
(5) http://www.seek-info.com/israel.htm
(6) http://www.amazon.com/Maxims-Law-Charles-Weisman/dp/B00BHYXP32/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366047699&sr=1-2
(7) White, 'The Hidden Tyranny', Op. Cit., p. 1
(8) Ibid., p. 3
(9) White, 'The Lurking Shadow', 'Conclusion', p. vii
(10) Ibid.; White, 'The Hidden Tyranny', Op. Cit., p. 27
(11) White, 'The Lurking Shadow', 'Conclusion', p. vii
(12) Ibid.
(13) Ibid.; White, 'The Hidden Tyranny', Op. Cit., p. 29
(14) Ibi.d, p. 26
(15) Ibid., p. 4
(16) Ibid., p. 26
(17) Ibid., pp. 2-5; 29-30
(18) Ibid., pp. 29-30
(19) Ibid., p. 3
(20) http://www.rosenthalfellowship.org/fprogdes.htm
(21) White, 'The Lurking Shadow', 'Conclusion', p. viii
(22) White, 'The Hidden Tyranny', pp. 2-4
(23) Ibid., p. 30
(24) Ibid., p. 29
(25) Ibid., pp. 29-30
(26) Ibid., pp. 4-5; 29
(27) White, 'The Lurking Shadow', 'Conclusion', p. viii
(28) White, 'The Hidden Tyranny', pp. 29-30
(29) Ibid., p. 33
(30) Ibid., p. 8
(31) Ibid., pp. 8-9
(32) For example see Elie Wiesel, 1987, 'The Jews of Silence: A Personal Report on Soviet Jewry', 3 Edition, Schocken: New York; Martin Gilbert, 1987, 'Shcharansky: Hero of our Time', 2 Edition, Penguin: New York and Zev Katz, 1970, 'After the Six-Day War', pp. 321-336 in Lionel Kochan (Ed.), 1970, 'The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917', 1 Edition, Oxford University Press: New York
(33) White, 'The Hidden Tyranny', pp. 18-23
(34) Ibid., p. 7
(35) Ibid., p. 12
(36) Ibid., p. 18
(37) Ibid., p. 32
(38) Ibid., pp. 33-34
(39) Ibid., p. 38
(40) Ibid., p. 39