Gerald L. K. Smith’s ‘Jews in Positions of Great Power’
The late Gerald L. K. Smith was one of the best-known and most popular anti-Semites in modern American history, but oddly has been little remembered as a superb speaker and an upright and honest man regardless of what one thinks of his religious and political ideology, which were both rather mediocre in terms of offering solutions rather than problems. Smith was the leader of the notorious Christian Nationalist Crusade which was at the peak of its popularity in the 1940s and 1950s when it published its journal: ‘The Cross and the Flag’. This popularity has helped in the writing of several academic biographies of Smith: the best of which is Glen Jeansonne’s offering. (1)
That popularity was largely based on Smith’s intuitive grasp of the essentials of good propaganda, his own considerable personal charisma and his ability to work hard even when all seemed lost. I reproduce here a rare pamphlet of Smith’s ‘Christian Nationalist Crusade’ (from my own personal collection of anti-Semitica) that was mailed out to potential supporters and general members of the public between 1962 and 1963 (indicated by the references to the fall of Khrushchev and President Kennedy still being in office).
It may help to demonstrate to those who use the late Dr. Pierce’s ‘Who Rules America’ that their argument would be far more powerful if they took their reader back not only to the present state of jewish power, but into its past extent to demonstrate that this is not only not a new issue (although Smith is incorrect with hindsight [Khrushchev’s successor] in some his assertions but in others he is eerily prophetic [Kissinger’s power in the U.S. government]), but that jewish power has been at its growing and is at its height in America at a time when America is at its proverbial knees by general mis-governance and the lobby-based politics favoured by many of those responsible for its current state (who happen to be significantly jewish I might add).
To wit:
‘Worth Noting
A Jew, Arthur Goldberg, former Secretary of Labor, just appointed to U.S. Supreme Court. Is still the determining factor in the Labor Department. A compatriot of the Moscow-trained Reuther.
A Jew, Douglas Dillon (family name, Lapowski) is Secretary of the Treasury in control of all American money. Comes from international banking house of Dillon-Read & Co – chief stockholder, Bernard Baruch.
A Jew, Newton M. Minow, has been appointed to control all communications, including radio and television.
A Jew, Pierre Salinger, controls all news going in and out of the White House. President Kennedy cannot issue a public statement except by way of Salinger.
A Jew, Mortimer Caplin, has been named Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and has authority over all income tax matters.
A Jew, Sydney Weinberg, notorious manipulating financier of New York City, is response for many of the appointments, including the Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. It is not generally known that Sidney Weinberg is now the most dominant personality inside the Ford Motor Co.
A Jew, Jake Arvey, rules the Illinois political machine that has produced Adlai Steveson and his ilk. It was Stevenson who was a character witness for Alger Hiss when the Hiss treason machine was being exposed.
A Jew, Felix Frankfurter, though retired, is the controlling personality in the Supreme Court of the United States. Earl Warren is his puppet.
A Jew, Paul Ziffren, trained and sponsored by the Jew boss Jake Arvey, controls the California machine. Most appointments being made in California, including the Postmaster General, have been sponsored by both Ziffren and Arvey.
A Jew, David Sarnoff, heads the NBC network, which controls the lion’s share of television and radio output.
A Jew, William Paley, heads the Columbia network, second only to NBC in power and influence. Out of this influence comes the man who was picked to crucify the late Joseph McCarthy – Edward R. Murrow – who controls all information sent out by the United States to the world.
A Jew, U.S. Senator Jacob Javits of New York, although posing as a Republican is collaborating completely with Arvey’s puppet, Senator Douglas of Illinois, and Greenfield’s puppet Senator Joseph Clark of Pennsylvania, in a campaign to add Section 3 to the Civil “Wrongs” Bill. Should Javits, Clark and Douglas be successful in this diabolical diversion from Constitutional precedent, patriots could be imprisoned without trial by jury for opposing mongrelization and for defending Christian tradition. The evil application of such a measure would completely destroy the basic patriotic leadership operating in our Nation today.
A Jew, Arthur Schlesinger, is considered one of the most enigmatic and influential men in Washington today. He is an instructor at Harvard University. During the lifetime of McCarthy he wrote an article in the New York Post in which he suggested that McCarthy be liquidated the way Roosevelt liquidated Huey Long. The implication was a bit grisly in view of the fact that Senator Long was assassinated. Schlesinger is now serving Kennedy under the title “Presidential Advisor.”
A Jew, Paul Samuelson, is the President’s chief advisor involved in the spending and handling of Government funds.
A Jew, Wilbur J. Cohen, a University of Michigan Professor, has been added to the Kennedy brain trust as assistant Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. He will be responsible for 40% of President Kennedy’s domestic program. When Congress begins to hold hearings on bills dealing with this 40%, Cohen will be the chief spokesperson for this legislation.
Added to the above names is a long list of Jewish names running into the hundreds. Below we add only a few in order that the reader may get some idea of the terrific stranglehold on Governmental affairs which has been affected by the aggressive Jew.
Adam Yarmolinsky – Defense Dept.
Seymour F. Wolfbein – Labor Dept.
W. Willard Wirtz – Labor Dept.
Jon O. Newman – Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
Samuel Westerfied – Dept. of Treasury
Seymour Harris - Dept. of Treasury
Edward M. Bernstein - Dept. of Treasury
Edward Gudeman – Dept. of Commerce
Rowland Burnstan – Dept. of Commerce
Max Isenberg – Dept. of State
Theodore Tannenwald – Dept. of State
James Loeb, Jr. - Dept. of State
Walt W. Rostow - Dept. of State
Abram Chayes - Dept. of State
Mordecai Ezekiel – Dept. of Agriculture
Louis Falk Oberdorfer – Dept. of Justice
Jack Rosenthal - Dept. of Justice
Maurice Rosenblatt - Dept. of Interior
Edward Weinberg - Dept. of Interior
Andrew Oehmann – Dept. of Internal Revenue
Nathan Feinsinger – Labor Fact Finding Commission
Simon H. Rifkind – Railroad Commission
A.H. Rosenfield – Civil Rights Commission
Paul A. Freund – Civil Rights Commission
Philip Elman – Federal Trade Commission
Rabbi Jacob Joseph Weinstein – Equal Employment Commission
Fred Lazarus, Jr. – Equal Employment Commission
David Cole (Cohen) – Missile Space Labor Commission
Mrs. Charles Hymes – Commission on Status of Women
Ben D. Dorfman – Tariff Commission
Adrian S. Fisher – Disarmament Administration
Henry A. Kissinger – Military and Diplomatic Policies
Lee White – U.S. Information Agency
Milton Philip Semer – Federal Housing Home Finance Administration
Jerome B. Weisner – National Planning Association
Jerome Springarn - National Planning Association
Benjamin V. Cohen - National Planning Association
Dr. W. K. H. Panofsky – National Planning Association
Marx Leva – National Planning Association
Walter W. Heller – Economic Advisor
Morris Abram – Peace Corps
Ralph Lazarus – Peace Corps
Thomas C. Sorenson – U.S. Export-Import Bank
Harold F. Linder - U.S. Export-Import Bank
Herman Kahn – Archives
Hans A. Adler- Administrative Assistant to President Kennedy
Theodore C. Sorenson - Administrative Assistant to President Kennedy
Solomin Barkin – Special Reports
M. L. Frankel – Special Reports
Robert S. Benjamin – U.S. Committee for U.N.
Seymour J. Ruben – International Cooperation Administration
D. C. Goldberg – Committee on Government Operations
Lawrence Levy, Jr. – Ambassador to NATO
Adoph Berle, Jr. – Ambassador to OAS
Maurice M. Bernbaum – Ambassador to Ecuador
Ralph Paiewonsky – Governor of Virgin Islands
Philip M. Klutznick –U.N. Economic-Social Council
Bernard Segal – Screening Committee for Judicial Appointments
Meyer Feldman – Special Counsel
Hans A. Adler – Special Counsel
Sidney Heiman – White House Historian
Robert Morris Morgenthau – U.S. Attorney, New York
David M. Satz, Jr. – U.S. Attorney, New Jersey
Note: Shortly before this went to press, the report came out of Moscow to the effect that Khrushchev’s successor has been named. He is now second in command and his name is Benjamin E. Dymshits. He is a Jew. Several American Jewish journals have boasted of this fact.’
(1) Glen Jeansonne, 1988, ‘Gerald L. K. Smith: Minister of Hate’, 1st Edition, Yale University Press: New Haven. Other notable work on Smith is his own autobiography of sorts Gerald L. K. Smith, 1978, ‘Besieged Patriot’, 1st Edition, Self-Published: Eureka Springs; Isabel Price, 1965, ‘Gerald L. K. Smith and anti-Semitism’, Unpublished MA Thesis: University of New Mexico and Leo Ribuffo , 1983, ‘The Old Christian Right: The Protestant Far Right from the Great Depression to the Cold War’, 1st Edition, Temple University Press: Philadelphia.
(2) Gerald L. K. Smith, n.d., ‘Jews in Positions of Great Power’, 1st Edition, Christian Nationalist Crusade: Los Angeles