Moving onto yet another so-called ‘Holocaust Survivor’ and their narrative; we have one Herman Grossman who I was made aware of by his granddaughter Hannah Grossman’s behaviour on X (formerly Twitter) and thought I’d look into his alleged story.
This is outlined based on his granddaughter’s claims/research as follows:
‘Herman Grossman was born in Kladno, CSR in 1931. Herman then moved to Aknaszlatina which is in the modern-day Ukraine. Aknaszlatina was one of the poorest towns in Europe. The move saved his family until April of 1944 when Herman was arrested for the sole crime of being Jewish. He was held with his family in the Sighet Ghetto for a few weeks until he was deported.
12-year-old Herman was taken by train car to Auschwitz and arrived on May 26, 1944. We have a picture of a shoeless Herman on the selection line with the adult men. He likely received a tip from one of the inmates that he should not go to the line of women and children with his mother where his age group was, but that he should go with the adult men and tell the Germans that he is older than he was. Herman told the Germans that he was 13, which saved his life. His many siblings and parents were likely gassed right upon arrival. Herman Grossman on the Auschwitz platform.
As the allies approached Herman was sent on a death march to Buchenwald, located in Germany. Even in the final months of the war, the Germans meticulously documented their prisoners, what block they were in, where they were from, which camps they were sent to, what jobs they held, and why they were imprisoned. In the hours before the Americans liberated the camps in Germany, the Nazis shot thousands of prisoners. Herman escaped death again and again through his incredible strength, resilience, and faith. Though he was not the tallest, he was broad and very strong. He survived selection after selection. He survived infectious disease and hospitalization in the archaic Auschwitz infirmary. Nothing could tear his grip away from life.’ (1)
The first part of Grossman’s narrative makes sense in that jews in the Ukrainian town of Aknaszlatina would have been deported to the Sighet Ghetto given that Aknaszlatina (also known as Solotvyno) was literally over the Tisa river from the (bigger) town of Sighet so Grossman is attempting to make it all sound far more ominous than it actually was. Grossman and his family were simply transferred – as enemy aliens - from one town to the bigger town just over the river to be held for deportation to work camps – of which Auschwitz was one of several big ones - to work on behalf of the German war effort against the Soviet Union.
The next part of Grossman’s narrative is where we started to see the nonsense creep in; with it being claimed that Grossman – after arriving at Auschwitz - deliberately stood in the ‘wrong line’ and ‘told the Germans’ that he was ‘older than he was’, because his ‘mother and siblings’ were ‘likely gassed soon after arrival’ which again conflicts with facts like how thousands of jewish babies being born at Auschwitz and not being gassed. (2)
To quote (Saint) Stanislawa Leszczynska in 1957:
‘I spent two out of the thirty-eight years of my professional life working as a midwife imprisoned in the women’s concentration camp at Auschwitz‑Birkenau.
There were plenty of pregnant women in the transports of women brought to this concentration camp. I worked as a midwife in three blocks which were all alike in terms of structure and interior furnishings, except for one detail—one of them had a brick floor.’
‘The women having to give birth in such conditions were in an appalling situation, and the position of their midwife was extremely difficult. There were no aseptic medical supplies at all, neither dressings nor medications; all the medicine allotted to the entire block was a daily ration of a few tablets of aspirin.’
‘At first I was completely on my own. Whenever there were any complications, such as having to remove the placenta manually, which called for the attention of a specialist physician, I had to manage as best I could. The German doctors in the camp, Rhode, Koenig, and Mengele, could hardly be expected to “tarnish” their medical vocation by attending non‑Germans, so I had no right to ask them for help. Later, on several occasions I availed myself of the services of a Polish woman doctor, Dr Janina Węgierska, who worked on another ward but was totally dedicated to patients; later still there was another, very generous Polish doctor, Dr Irena Konieczna. When I went down with typhus myself, I was attended by the extremely helpful Dr Irena Białówna, who looked after my patients and me with a lot of diligence and concern.
I won’t write about the work of the doctors who were held in Auschwitz as prisoners, because what I observed surpasses my ability to say what I really feel about the tremendous dignity of the physician’s vocation and the heroism with which they carried out their duties. The magnificence of these doctors and their dedication was the last thing their poor, agonised patients looked upon but will never be able to say what they saw. These doctors fought to save lives that were doomed, and for those doomed lives gave their own. All they had to treat their patients was a handful of aspirins and their own, great hearts. They were not working for the sake of a grand reputation or blandishment, nor to satisfy their professional ambition; all these incentives had vanished. What was left was just the physician’s duty to save lives in all the cases and any circumstances she or he happened to encounter, augmented by the need to show sympathy for their neighbour.
The chief disease decimating the women was dysentery. Often their loose stools would drip down onto the bunks below them. Other serious diseases included typhus and typhoid fever, as well as pemphigus, which covered a patient’s body with nasty sores and blisters. The emergence of a few of these pustules, some as big as dinner-plates, spelled death.’ (3)
Clearly there is a direct contradiction here in that we have circa 3,000 babies having been born in Auschwitz during the ‘Holocaust’, while other (jewish) testimony claims this wasn’t so and they were all being murdered. (4) Yet we know of multiple such ‘baby survivors’ like Angela Orosz and of women who gave birth in Auschwitz and survived like Miriam Rosenthal.
The problem is a difficult one for the orthodox ‘Holocaust’ narrative so they largely ignore it or blithely claim it was ‘just a few’ who survived by ‘miracles’, (5) because pregnant jewish women surviving Auschwitz – they wouldn’t have been fit for much labour at all past a certain point in their pregnancy – and jewish babies born there and surviving. All goes to suggest that the Germans were either very inefficient/ineffective at murdering jews en masse or they actually weren’t trying to exterminate jews in the first place.
Now interestingly we actually have a photo which allegedly shows Grossman in line when he arrived at Auschwitz:
This is useful precisely because it gives us some additional evidence that we don’t normally have about what Grossman actually looked like when he arrived at Auschwitz and we can clearly see that he neither looks older than 13 – in fact he looks considerably younger - and he is standing in front of a jew who is using a walking stick or a cane, which suggests they also had some kind of physical disability which should have meant they were ‘gassed’ but yet – if we are to believe Grossman’s claimed narrative – they were not and it directly contradicts ‘Holocaust’ orthodoxy that the Germans were gassing anyone who couldn’t work on arrival especially targeting children (like Grossman) and the disabled (like the man behind him).
Put another way: Grossman’s narrative as claimed simply cannot be true if the orthodox ‘Holocaust’ narrative is true.
The actual truth is more likely that Grossman was separated with the men not because he ‘lied about his age’ or some such contrived hero narrative, but because the Germans thought he was too old to be sent to the women’s blocks with his siblings – Auschwitz like all German camps was segregated by sex – or was physically suitable for some kind of work and Grossman’s mother and siblings died in the disease epidemics - specifically scarlet fever and typhus – which ravaged the women’s housing blocks in particular and which Dr. Mengele received the German War Merit Cross for combatting deaths from in Auschwitz. (6)
Grossman then simply believed/bought into the post-war atrocity ‘Holocaust’ propaganda about ‘gas chambers’ operating at Auschwitz and then ascribed the fact that his mother and siblings didn’t return – or at least he never located them in the post-war chaos – to the speculative belief that they were ‘gassed’ there.
Then we turn to the so-called ‘death march’ from Auschwitz to Buchenwald – which wouldn’t make much sense if the Germans were just exterminating jews and not using them en masse as forced labour – that Grossman relates, but again the ‘thousands shot by the SS’ in the last weeks of the war is not all what Grossman implies it is.
Since even the ‘Buchenwald Memorial’ clearly states that most of those who died on these ‘death marches’ did so from exposure, disease and/or exhaustion not because the SS shot them out of hand as Grossman implies. (7) Those who were shot would have not been shot ‘out of hand’ but rather because they had say tried to escape – which was a pretty standard response to an escaping prisoner at the time – or had committed a crime like stealing food from another person on the ‘death march’ nor just based on some nonsensical idea of ‘German barbarity to jews’.
This is the uncomfortable truth about nearly all ‘Holocaust Survivor’ testimonies in that they nearly always make implausible and silly claims that don’t stand up to even the slightest scrutiny.
Grossman didn’t ‘survive the Holocaust’; he survived the German work camp system from 1944 to 1945 as well as the collapse of German infrastructure in the winter of 1944/1945 and then because of the Germans caring for him and his fellow prisoners by taking them along during their retreat in front of the Red Army – rather than simply murdering them out of hand as the ‘Holocaust’ narrative necessarily implies they should have – Grossman escaped to Western Europe from his original abode in the Soviet Union.
It is that simple!
(2) See for example: which is turn contradicted by other claims that Josef Mengele was ‘exterminating’ all pregnant women made by jews:
(4) For example:
(5) For example:
(6) Helena Kubica, 1994, ‘The Crimes of Josef Mengele’, pp. 328-329 in Michael Berenbaum, Yisrael Gutman (Eds.), 1994, ‘Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp’, 1st Edition, Indiana University Press: Bloomington