Elie Wiesel – late ‘Holocaust Survivor’ and author of the best-seller ‘Night’ – has long been regarded along with the late Simon Wiesenthal as being the proverbial patron saint of the ‘Holocaust’.
Yet in the wake of the discovered that jewish Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein was a serial rapist and fairly diabolical pervert. Allegations of a similar nature against Wiesel emerged in 2017.
Dr. Jennifer Listman – an anthropological geneticist – of the prestigious New York University went public with the following claim.
I quote:
‘When I was 19 years old, Elie Weisel grabbed my ass. It was a calculated act and worse than you think; he mistook me for an ultra-religious underage girl who was unlikely to tell anyone about it.’ (1)
‘The incident occurred in a hotel ballroom in 1989, she said, whilst attending a large fundraising dinner for a Jewish charity.
Listman said she was dressed “modestly” and “appeared younger than my age... I looked about 14 at the time, maybe less”.
She said Wiesel was guest speaker at the event honouring her then-boyfriend’s late father, and the groping occurred duringthe line-up for an official photograph, when Wiesel “jumped” in between her and her boyfriend.
Listman said Wiesel put his hands on each of their shoulders, but slowly began dropping his hand down her back, as the photographer lined up the photo.
“The hand moved lower. It moved again. This happened slowly, over a period of seconds; a physical impossibility that ispossible under such circumstances. I was in disbelief.
“The photographer snapped the photo. Simultaneously, Elie Wiesel’s right hand had reached my right ass cheek, which he squeezed. The photo was over, the photographer leaned back, the group separated, smiling at each other, and Elie Wiesel immediately ran, disappearing straight into the crowd of over 1,000 people.”’ (2)
Now you’d be justified in being sceptical about this charge, but think about it a minute.
Listman hasn’t claimed Wiesel raped her or anything, but rather posits a verifiable scenario of a photo taken – which I am sure she will be asked to provide in due course – and Wiesel taking the opportunity to cop a feel of her buttocks. Her assertion that he thought her to be younger than she was is plausible, but difficult to prove unless she can demonstrate that she did indeed look much younger than her nineteen years at the time.
Even then the fact that she attended the dinner with her then boyfriend – who presumably looked his age and was around nineteen at the time – may preclude this, but then this part of Listman’s story is speculation.
However the charge itself has the ring of truth to it, because it isn’t overstated and is relatively verifiable. Also rather interesting other jews seem to actually believe Listman (3) and her rationale for not coming forward is also quite plausible.
She states that:
‘Listman said she waited so long to discuss the incident out of fear she would damage Wiesel's legacy or spark anti-Semitism by speaking out about the Holocaust icon, saying she struggled with "anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal depression" as she kept the story inside.’ (4)
Now I don’t think she didn’t come forwards because ‘of fear she would damage Wiesel's legacy or spark anti-Semitism by speaking out about the Holocaust icon’ at all since this requires an amount of altruistic intelligence and moral fortitude that would be unusual to say the least in a nineteen year old girl, but rather this is an acceptable way to present it to a jewish audience.
The reality of the situation is certainly far more prosaic in that Listman didn’t come forward because she believed that she wouldn’t be taken seriously and/or her claims would be summarily dismissed by Wiesel’s supporters and sponsors among the leaders of international jewry and she’d be personally attacked as an ‘immodest lying whore trying to get money/out for her five minutes of fame’ in effect. (5)
This summation of the likely situation was promptly proven correct since the response from international jewry and its organizations was immediate and absolute.
To wit:
‘The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity said Listman's post represents the first time anyone has smeared Wiesel's reputation.
"We utterly reject this spurious accusation," the Foundation said in a statement. "Elie Wiesel had a decades-long role as a respected teacher and mentor to countless students. At no time during his long career has anything like this ever been suggested. We are disappointed that Newsweek would republish such a specious and unsubstantiated charge."’ (6)
Not only did the ‘Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity’ go on the rhetorical offensive but it also began pulling strings within the international jewish community to nullify Listman’s claims rather than address them.
Since the ‘Jewish Daily Forward’ suddenly began covering up Listman’s testimony and claiming it ‘didn’t meet journalistic standards’, (7) which is odd precisely because every story - especially one with bombshell level implications like Listman’s - goes through multiple levels of editorial and legal scrutiny and had there been a failure in ‘journalistic standards’ then it would have been picked up in this well-established process rather than post-publication and after other jewish groups began to voice their opinion about the claims.
The ‘Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity’ is also wrong to claim that this is the ‘first time Elie Wiesel’s character has been called into question’ as in fact it has been called into question numerous times.
One such as examples when his book ‘Night’ has been shown to be fiction rather than autobiography and has been repeatedly ‘revised’ by Wiesel as Alexander Cockburn summarized as follows in 2016 in ‘Counterpunch’:
‘Simultaneous with the Night selection came news that Oprah Winfrey and Elie Wiesel would shortly be visiting Auschwitz together, from which vantage point Oprah, with the lugubrious Wiesel at her side, could emphasize for her ABC-TV audience that there is truth and there is fiction, that Auschwitz is historical truth at its bleakest and most terrifying, that Night is a truthful account and that Wiesel is the human embodiment of truthful witness.
The trouble here is that in its central, most crucial scene, Night isn’t historically true, and at least two other important episodes are almost certainly fiction. Below, I cite views, vigorously expressed to me in recent weeks by a concentration camp survivor, Eli Pfefferkorn, who worked with Wiesel for many years; also by Raul Hilberg. Hilberg is the world’s leading authority on the Nazi Holocaust. An expanded version of his classic three-volume study, The Destruction of the European Jews, was recently reissued by Yale University Press. Wiesel personally enlisted Hilberg to be the historical expert on the United States Holocaust Commission.
If absolute truth to history is the standard, Pfefferkorn says, then Night doesn’t make the grade. Wiesel made things up, in a way that his many subsequent detractors could identify as not untypical of his modus operandi: grasping with deft assurance what people important to his future would want to hear and, by the same token, would not want to hear.
The book that became Night was originally a much longer account, published in Yiddish in 1956, under the title Un di Velt Hot Geshvign (And the World Remained Silent). Wiesel was living in Paris at the time. By 1958 he had translated his book from Yiddish into French, publishing it in that year under the title La Nuit. Wiesel says it was severely cut down in length by Jerome Lindon, the chief editor at Editions de Minuit. In 1960 came the English translation, Night, published by Hill & Wang. The 2006 edition of Night is translated from the 1958 French version by Wiesel’s wife, Marion, and in the introduction Wiesel says he has “been able to correct and revise a number of important details”.’ (8)
Cockburn shies away from the implication of serial dishonesty and lying by Wiesel but happily revisionist historical authorities - like Carlo Mattogno - haven’t and have documented in detail the many lives and lies of Elie Wiesel in one helpful if lengthy volume. (9)
So clearly Wiesel isn’t the secular saint the ‘Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity’ and its supporters among international jewry want to make him out to be but instead a flawed deceitful jew with an axe to grind and a profitable grift to continue.
It is thus unsurprising that Listman didn’t come forward earlier since as she herself admits:
‘She didn’t speak out about the Wiesel incident for nearly three decades, she wrote, because it “might hurt many people who would lose their idol” and because she feared it would reverberate negatively on the Jewish community.’ (10)
Basically Listman knew what would happen and what she predicted would happen did indeed occur since international jewry almost as one generally turned on and attacked her personally rather than address her claims that besmirched their idol.
And guess what happened?
She was suddenly silenced and we heard no more about Wiesel’s sexual indiscretions.
My guess is they were - and are - hiding a lot more than just Listman’s testimony about Wiesel’s ‘wandering hands’ because if so central and well-known a ‘Holocaust Survivor’ as Elie Wiesel falls then the (non-jewish) public might start asking awkward questions about the veracity of the ‘historical event’ that Wiesel spent most of his life promoting and profiting off: the ‘Holocaust’.
And that my friends is one thing they cannot allow.
(1) http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/elie-wiesel-grabbed-my-bum/
(2) Ibid.
(3) For example: https://jweekly.com/2017/10/26/heres-believe-woman-accused-elie-wiesel-sexual-assault/
(4) https://www.newsweek.com/elie-wiesel-me-too-account-690891
(5) To understand how this works in action see: Michael Lesher, 2014, ‘Sexual abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Community’, 1st Edition, McFarland: Jefferson, pp. 16-109 and Yuval Elizur, Lawrence Malkin, 2014, ‘The War Within: Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Threat to Democracy and the Nation’, 1st Edition, Overlook: New York, pp. 133-166
(6) https://www.newsweek.com/elie-wiesel-me-too-account-690891
(7) Ibid.
(8) https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/07/01/truth-and-fiction-in-elie-wiesels-night-2/
(9) See: Germar Rudolf (Ed.), 2021, ‘Elie Wiesel, Saint of the Holocaust: A Critical Biography’, 3rd Edition, Castle Hill: s.l.
(10) https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/elie-wiesel-charity-womans-molestation-claims-spurious/