David Cole lies about ‘Holocaust Denial’ (Again)
David Cole is back and run out of anecdotes about how no one will talk to him anymore and has written a new piece attacking ‘Holocaust Denial’ for Takimag.
To wit:
‘Two years ago, I penned a piece titled “Denial Is Dead.”
The gist of it was that Holocaust denial is basically over. All of its leading intellectual proponents have abandoned the concept, and soon enough the whole idea of Holocaust denial will berelegated to the waste bin along with the temperance movement and Synanon.
Well, I was wrong. Holocaust denial ain’t dead. Oh, it’s brain-dead, but like the zombies in a George Romero film, it will not only survive but eventually claim the world.’ (1)
This is simply a bald-faced lie.
Scholars like Carlo Mattogno, Thomas Kues and Jurgen Graf – all of whom unlike Cole have published two-three detailed studies of so-called ‘death camps’ as well as numerous papers – have never retracted their doubts and have ripped apart the best arguments and ‘evidence’ that mainstream historians can present for what essentially amounts of a conspiracy theory.
Cole then goes off chortling in a typical histrionic way – which is how you know he is lying through his teeth incidentally - about how Goebbels’ diary entry dated March 27, 1942 is ‘proof’ of the ‘Holocaust’.
Now had Cole been the least bit honest – my estimations of that go down pretty much every single time I read a piece he has written – then he’d have known that this has been addressed in detail numerous times from a revisionist point of view and that the mainstream historians don’t really have an answer to their response. (2)
Yet the orthodox crowd – and Cole apparently – are completely unaware of that fact and instead – like Deborah Lipstadt – content themselves in the weird yet fervent belief that nothing new has been published by ‘Holocaust Deniers’ since about 1995.
Perhaps the reason for this can be found in the fact that the latest generation of ‘Holocaust Deniers’ tend to have an understanding of the sources, structures and documentation of the so-called ‘Holocaust’ that would have earned them academic plaudits by the truckload had their subject been anything else.
In other words: they are a scary bunch to debate and it shows with the orthodox
‘Holocaust’ historians doing anything other than debate the so-called ‘deniers’.
I know of two intellectually significant so-called ‘Holocaust Deniers’ who have ‘recanted’ their views, which are David Irving and Mark Weber. Both did so for economic reasons with Irving wanting his popularity and plaudits back, while Weber just wanted money and allegedly considered selling his mailing list to the ADL and SPLC to generate funds.
Not exactly what Cole is claiming: is it?
It just goes to show that you should never ever trust anything that a jew says.
(1) http://takimag.com/article/holocaust-denial-triumphant/#axzz5Qn8vJ9A2; I replied to Cole’s 2016 article here: https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/david-coles-denial-of-holocaust-denial
(2) https://inconvenienthistory.com/2/1/1918