David Cole: Jewish Con-Man
David Cole - the infamous jewish Holocaust revisionist - has been in the news a bit lately following the discovery that he had been living under a pseudonym and was a celebrated (orthodox) ‘Holocaust’ promoter in Hollywood and among the hawkish neo-con element of the Republican party. Naturally all his former set, like Andrew Breitbart, have been shunning him because his revisionist past is completely incompatible with their slavish pro-Israel sycophancy.
The irony to me is that Cole - who to be fair to him was brutally attacked three times by the Jewish Defence League (1) (inspired by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, who has adroitly been called ‘Israel’s Ayatollah’) - (2) is now pushing an extremist pro-Israel/pro-jewish agenda that has more than a passing similarity to the teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahane just without the Messianism and the advocacy of the use terrorism to achieve its desired ends.
Cole, for example, argues that, in terms of the concept of ‘hate speech’, there is a categorical differentiation to be made between jews and Muslims in regards to how they desire to suppress. He asserts that while Muslims use shootings and bombings; jews use legal means to attempt to suppress what they don’t like. This he judges makes talking about the ‘Holocaust’ in an even vaguely critical manner is far more preferable (because you’ll only go to prison/be socially ostracised) while if you make fun of Mohammed (often referring to his preference for goats) then you are liable to be murdered by Muslims. (3)
This is superficially all fine and dandy, because I am sure a lot of people would rather go to prison/be isolated than be murdered in cold blood by an unhinged fanatic. That said however Cole’s argument assumes that the immediate consequences are the only consequences however. What Cole doesn’t talk about is the fact that while at the moment jews are criminalizing critical discussion of the ‘Holocaust’; they are already paving the way for stronger punishments than simply fining/imprisoning.
Indeed there is an increasing medicalization of the whole concept of having a critical opinion of jews/Israel (as has been noted elsewhere) (4) and it is not unreasonable to suppose that in the next decades (if nothing changes) then criticism of jews and Israel will be considered ‘delusional’ and as such grounds for sectioning an individual, because they are evidently not right in the head.
Nor does Cole consider the fact that Muslims going mad over ‘hate speech’ directed at them is used by jewish organizations to push the boundaries of control on freedom of speech (as seen after the Charlie Hebdo case) so that the forces of law and order are increasing forced to prioritize political crimes over crimes of property and the infliction of bodily harm. (5)
This is hardly without harm especially as it is these very laws that Muslims exploit in order to justify their rampages since, after all they like the jews are a ‘persecuted minority’ trying to gain equality in a ‘racist system’, and it is frankly dishonest for Cole not to even mention the fact while Muslims may pull the trigger it is jews who have loaded the gun (viz. the creation of special anti-racism laws and the removal of selective immigration laws) and justified the act after the fact (as caused by ‘systematic racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ leading to ‘alienation’ and ‘radicalization’).
Cole’s dishonesty is even more obvious on the subject of Israel when he claims - with typical chutzpah - that jews don’t commit terrorist attacks or political violence. The fact is that they do and they have very, very long history of it. In fact if you read the Torah, rabbinic commentaries, the story of the Shtetl and (especially) the history of Israel then you find they are actually one long history of terrorism and political violence (often dressed up in religious garb no less.
As Elliot Horowitz, Ami Pedahzur and Arie Perliger have all noted in their work; asserting that the jews have been a meek and non-violent people is quite literally nonsense. (6)
This is thrown into stark relief when we note that in recent years a prominent Israeli political columnist - who writes for a mainstream right-wing Israeli news outlet - actually advocated immediately exterminating all of Germany and Iran by nuking them. (7) When you take into account that the same threat is known to be part of Israeli policy (well actually it is just nuking the whole of Europe in ‘revenge’ for the ‘Holocaust’) and has been made on the political stage by Israeli leaders before; (8) then the idea that jews are a lesser threat then the legions of Islam to Europe is thrown into shown to be simply absurd.
That said Cole is partly right; the two threats are different. The primary threat of the legions of Islam to Europe is on a strategic level primarily demographic, but it is felt more by the man on the street for the simple reason that most Islamic violence is low-level thuggery interspersed with more catastrophic (although mere pin pricks in the greater scheme of things) attacks.
The jewish threat on the other hand is of a whole different magnitude, because while the Islamic threat is very visible as it affects people in obvious ways. The jewish threat is barely felt at street level, because it exists in much higher arenas where jews disproportionately help form and norm anti-nativist ideas while absolutely insisting on nativism for Israel. It is also the state of Israel with its 200 nuclear weapons (and extensive biological and chemical arsenal) (9) and the, as we have seen, expressed desire to exterminate Europe off the map at the first opportunity. As The Occidental Observer has rightly pointed out; jewish radicalism is becoming the norm in Israel and as such Israel is going to get only ever more extreme if current trends continue. (10)
Move over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; you’ve got nothing on Benjamin Netanyahu.
So, the jewish and Islamic threats are different. The Muslims want a global Caliphate, which has the only benefit that you might live through it. While the jewish threat by contrast is seeking the ultimate extermination of Europeans in ‘revenge’ for the ‘Holocaust’.
Speaking of the ‘Holocaust’ I couldn’t really mention Cole and not bring it up. From the above I think we can agree that Cole isn’t exactly ‘on our side’ and is actually shilling for Israel over at Takimag as well as trying to make the jews look like a lesser threat than the forces of Islam.
Now everyone knows Cole made a ‘revisionist documentary’ about Auschwitz and the almost obscene lack of evidence (or even specifics from the ‘experts’) there is behind this blood libel on Germany. Fair enough; he also got death threats from the Jewish Defense League (JDL) and was beaten up by them.
However ironic as it may seem; Cole actually downplays the very people who beat him up as a bunch of odd exceptions and petit thugs. The fact is that the JDL, the Kach organization and the modern equivalent the Jewish Defence Organization (JDO) were (and are) fairly hard-core terrorists as can be ascertained by merely reading a book about them. (11)
Just a little chutzpah there, but it does give a good idea that Cole has strongly ideologically tinted lens to his work as well as being extremely egoistic. He readily admits for example that from 1997 until he was recently found out that he was a knowing ‘Holocaust’ scammer and personally profited from the ‘Holocaust’ industry. (12) That said we at least owe him a nod in regard to his honesty about it, but it is worth bearing in mind that Cole - having been found out - is now seeking to carve out a new career niche for himself.
I quote Cole’s own words about what he believes:
‘For the record, I never denied the Holocaust. My position was that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, and the buildings displayed there as gas chambers are Soviet fakes. I never denied mass exterminations of Jews at camps like Treblinka and Sobibór.’ (12)
Cole is being typically disingenuous here, because he ‘denies’ that Auschwitz was used as a death camp. He claims Treblinka, Sobibor and (presumably) Belzec were ‘death camps’ and that he has ‘never denied this’. This is rank lunacy of the first order for the simple reason that the ‘evidence’ for these camps being part of a ‘mass extermination program’ targeted specifically at jews (aka the ‘Holocaust’) is actually worse than the ‘evidence’ for Auschwitz.
To be specific:
A) There is no physical evidence of such a purpose at the camps.
B) The ‘survivor’ testimony is even more insane and contradictory than the material at Auschwitz. I mean gassing people with the fumes of a captured Russian submarine’s diesel engine or killing them with electrical frying pans is hardly likely to be true in the first place let alone with the absence of other evidence (rather like the infamous ‘vacuum chambers’).
C) The ‘survivors’ shouldn’t have survived a pure death camp.
D) The transit records directly contradict the whole claim (i.e., jews were transited through ‘death camps’ came out alive and went to work camps a few days later).
Cole has got to know this given that the numerous book length revisionist studies that have come out since he was around (and are freely available on the internet) that his position is frankly laughable, but hey it is all about being ‘respectable’ and reinventing his career.
After all if Cole was really interested in truth; he’d be speaking about why serious scholars - in the true sense of the term, of the ‘Holocaust’ - such as Jurgen Graf, Thomas Kues and Carlo Mattogno, are wrong and he is right.
But hey it is easier to go and write easy-reading copy for Takimag than dare debate those three scholars than a comedian with a PhD like Michael Shermer. (14)
(1) http://takimag.com/article/hate_speech_derby_mohammed_vs_auschwitz_david_cole#axzz3QHs6ekuM
(2) Cf. Raphael Mergui, Philippe Simonnot, 1987, ‘Israel’s Ayatollahs: Meir Kahane and the Far Right in Israel’, 1st Edition, Saqi: London
(3) http://takimag.com/article/hate_speech_derby_mohammed_vs_auschwitz_david_cole#axzz3QHs6ekuM
(4) https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/docs/default-source/members/sigs/spirituality-spsig/kateloewenthallantisemitismanditsmentalhealtheffects.pdf?sfvrsn=79c90f3a_2 ; https://forward.com/opinion/554342/mdma-shows-promise-for-healing-ptsd-and-political-extremism/
(5) A case study of this is the United Kingdom where theft/mugging is not even considered worth reporting anymore because the police force simply cannot deal with it, but at the same time the said police force is stepping up its campaign and devoting more resources to fighting ‘thought crime’.
(6) Cf. Elliot Horowitz, 2007, ‘Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence’, 1st Edition, Princeton University Press: Princeton; Ami Pedahzur, Arie Perliger, 2009, ‘Jewish Terrorism in Israel’, 1st Edition, Columbia University Press: New York
(7) https://www.timesofisrael.com/op-ed-calls-on-israel-to-nuke-germany-iran/
(8) Cf. Seymour Hersh, 1991, ‘The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy’, 1st Edition, Random House: New York
(9) Cf. Avner Cohen, 1999, ‘Israel and the Bomb’, 1st Edition, Columbia University Press: New York
(10) https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2017/01/01/zionist-extremism-as-product-of-the-internal-dynamics-of-judaism-part-1/
(11) For example Pedahzur, Perliger, Op. Cit.; Richard Rosenthal, 2000, ‘Rookie Cop:: Deep Undercover in the Jewish Defense League’, 1st Edition, Leapfrog: Wellfleet; Yossi Halevi, 1995, ‘Memoirs of a Jewish Extremist: An American story’, 1st Edition, Little, Brown & Company: New York
(12) http://takimag.com/article/sublime_recapitulation_alfred_hitchcocks_new_holocaust_film_david_cole#axzz3QHs6ekuM
(13) http://takimag.com/article/hate_speech_derby_mohammed_vs_auschwitz_david_cole#axzz3QHs6ekuM
(14) http://takimag.com/article/michael_shermers_immoral_arc_david_cole#axzz3VKkpJVfW