Bettina Goering's Holocaust Complex
In my recent article on Katrin Himmler's personal guilt complex that has been foisted on her as the result of her family relationship with Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS in the Third Reich, and how that complex was clearly a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). (1) Some of Katrin's behaviours were even simply, as I stated, crazy and suggestive that she had become mentally and intellectually unstable as the result of the 'Holocaust'-related abuse she had long suffered.
Included in this were her obsessively watching 'Holocaust' documentaries and programs that were calculated to make her cry desperately, her close identification with the jewish 'victims' of the Third Reich, her obsessive need to apologize for what she had never done but her great uncle allegedly had and the fact that her (Israeli jewish) husband and her bonded over their obsession with the alleged crimes of the Third Reich.
In spite of this though Katrin was comparatively normal when we turn to another case: Bettina Goering.
Now Bettina is, like Katrin, not a direct descendant of her 'senior Nazi family', but rather is his great-niece. In this case rather than being related to Heinrich Himmler: Bettina is related to Hermann Goering - one of the early members of the NSDAP - the head of the Luftwaffe in the Third Reich and one of Adolf Hitler's confidants.
Bettina, unlike Katrin, was not exposed to the extreme cruelty of having the 'Holocaust' shoved in her face ever since she was young (she claims that 'everyone was in denial'). Her first experience of it was really when she watched a television documentary and her grandmother - the wartime head of Germany Red Cross - simply said that it was all lies as it didn't happen (and she should have known). (2)
However it is clear from what she does say that she had had severely traumatic experiences during her childhood as she discovered a photo of her great-uncle Hermann then realized that she looked rather like him and simply ripped it up. (3) This is a classic symptom of the denial of abuse (which is an individual's way of dealing with it by believing it isn't happening and/or never happened) and when you combine that with her experiences during her 20s in a leftist commune in Pune, India where there were a large number of jews it is clear that she was subject to a lot of such abuse.
She relates her experiences via her ex-husband Adi thus:
'"What kind of experiences?"
Bettina glanced at her husband.
"For example," Adi offered, "I'm from Berlin, so I'm Prussian. They had me stand up and march and they all threw pillows at me, yelling 'You fucking Nazi!' They called me Obersturmbannführer and I had to just take that all in. They asked, 'How do you feel about that? That's what your parents did and that's what you are because you are their child.' And I felt a big collective guilt inside that I wasn't aware of. Nobody in my family did anything, but I still have this guilt. I didn't know I had it. I was so surprised."
"Were you able to get past it?"
"It's never totally past. You just put awareness to it so that it has no more power over you."' (4)
Clearly being called 'a fucking Nazi' and being systematically humiliated in front of your friends by jews bent on taking sadistic revenge on a fairly frequent basis is not going to do anyone much good.
As we are told in the above excerpt: collective guilt builds up so that they are no longer sure who you are or what your purpose in life is. That in turns leads to self-hatred and this is particularly obvious in Bettina's case since when she was 30 (i.e., after her years in the commune being abused by jews) herself and her brother had themselves voluntarily sterilized in order to prevent the Goering family line continuing. (5)
When we factor this in with the fact that Bettina's parents had a rocky relationship and that she ran away from home when she was 13: (6) then it becomes clear that Bettina was ripe for an emotional and mental crisis in relation to her family. She appears to have found her coping mechanism for this in hatred of her family's history and through that her own person (it wouldn't surprise me at to learn that she had self-harmed in the past).
This is manifested both in her 'pilgrimages' to Israel to meet and apologize to 'Holocaust survivors' (7) as well as her visits to former concentration camps such as Buchenwald: where she reports she had mystical experiences and felt a sense of mission. (8)
Essentially Bettina is suffering from what I have to come to refer to as the 'Holocaust complex'. This is where individuals - who have some kind of traumatic experience and feel they can relate to the 'Holocaust' as the cause of that experience - develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and in so doing identify with those who are victimizing them (i.e., the ‘Holocaust’ industry) by inferring they are somehow personally responsible for the 'Holocaust'.
Bettina has absolutely no reason to feel the need to 'apologize' for anything she has done, but rather as the result of a traumatic early family life: she associates the Third Reich with her family and the idea that they are/were evil and thus she can understand her own trauma and also attempt to cure it by constantly trying to 'make amends'.
It is a classic case where the abuser (the ‘Holocaust’ industry) is actually turned into the victim by the victim of the actual abuse.
Quite frankly: it is simply sick.
(1) See:
(3) Ibid.
(4) Ibid.