Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, has long been a controversial figure. He has also long been known as a man who likes to live the high-life of the social elite. Since he formally left office on January 20th 2017; Obama has been very busy.
As Niles Niemuth writes:
‘The former president has spent much of the first three months since he left office in January hobnobbing with the elite of the elite. In February, the Obamas travelled with an entourage of 100 secret service agents and aides to British billionaire Richard Branson’s private Caribbean island.’ (1)
After living it up with the ever obnoxious Branson; Obama promptly took advantage of the kindness of one of his early supporters: David Geffen.
Geffen – who just so happens to be the child of jewish socialists (2) as well as being a voracious homosexual with an appetite for younger non-jewish men – (3) is one of the richest people in the world with a net worth of $6.5 billion. So when Obama and his wife Michelle were offered the chance to hobnob with the rich and famous – including Tom Hanks and Oprah – on Geffen’s $590 million dollar yacht ‘The Rising Son’ – bought from personal friend and fellow jewish billionaire Larry Ellison in 2006 – (4) they jumped at it. (5)
Obama isn’t going to be short of a chunk of change himself either in the coming years.
To quote Niemuth once again:
‘A researcher earlier this year suggested that the Obamas “could earn as much as $242.5 million from speeches, book deals and pensions.” But that modest calculation was based on an estimated $40 million in book fees for the couple and a $200,000 fee per appearance. The book deal turned out to be worth far more, $65 million, and now we see what Wall Street firms and large corporations are prepared to pay the ex-president for his dollops of wisdom.’ (6)
Not exactly a champion of the poor and downtrodden: is he?
Obama also happens to be paying $22,000 per month to rent a mansion in the Kalorama neighbourhood of Washington D.C. and his neighbours include Jared Kushner – the former unelected jewish ruler of the United States – and Jeff Bezos; (7) who may or may not be jewish depending on who you believe.
Isn’t life just peachy for Obama and his jewish friends and associates?
We need some good old-fashioned class war to shake things up a bit.
(7) Ibid.