In a December 2022 article in ‘The Daily Caller’ long-time jewish ‘conservative’ commenter and writer Dennis Prager wrote a piece called ‘If Holocaust Deniers Don’t Go to Hell, There is No God’ which was primarily aimed at Nick Fuentes’ occasional forays into the subject and about which Prager apparently knows little if we are to go the fruits of his articles and his follow up to it.
Prager begins by writing how: (1)
‘It is a central tenet of moral theology that there are gradations of sin. To argue that God views stealing a towel from a hotel and raping a child as moral equivalents renders God a moral fool. In the pantheon of evils, among the worst is Holocaust denial.’
One wonders why ‘the worst’ is ‘Holocaust denial’ (aka applying the no historiographic process of evidence-based revision via the medium of scholarly debate to the ‘Holocaust’) given that it is actually a fairly innocuous thing, but anyway let’s continue with Prager’s next paragraph:
‘Given the murder of six million Jews and the unspeakable amount of suffering they and Jewish survivors underwent at the hands of the Nazis, it takes a particularly vile individual to say this never happened. Think of how we would regard anyone who denied thousands of Americans were murdered on 9/11.’
This is the problem with Prager’s view on this in that the ‘six million jews’ – actually between five and six million depending who you ask but never actually six million – is a totemic figure not a historically accurate one and that Prager’s view of the so-called ‘Holocaust’ is not based upon there being evidence or lack of evidence, but rather on faith because of the alleged ‘unspeakable suffering’ of ‘Holocaust survivors’ - note he uses ‘jewish survivors’ which is a tacit form of anti-gentile racism in deliberately omitting the fact that the a large number of those in the concentration camp system (especially in Western Europe) were not jewish in the slightest -and as such his ‘Holocaust’ is an article of faith not a historical event that needs to be understood and analysed the same way.
Unlike Prager I have absolutely no problem debating the existence or non-existence of the ‘Holocaust’ in part because I am well-aware of both sides of the argument and know a significant amount about it and came to ‘deny the Holocaust’ based on evidence (and the lack of it) not because it was an article of faith that I had to believe it in order to be considered ‘moral’ in some weird alternate universe.
I similarly have no problem with someone arguing that thousands of Americans weren’t murdered on 9/11 – although the jury remains out on just who was actually responsible for this – because I am confident that the evidence available overwhelmingly indicates otherwise.
Why are jews like Prager so afraid of ‘Holocaust denial’?
Well, it is simply because every time ‘Holocaust scholars’ go up against ‘Holocaust deniers’ then they are invariably made to look like fools, and this is also why ‘Holocaust denial’ has been made illegal and aggressively targeted by authorities across the world (and particularly in Europe) which applies to no other alleged or real genocide I know.
To show the lunacy of Prager’s claim I merely need to modify his original statement to cover a phenomenon that uses very similar evidence for its basis: UFO abductions.
‘Given the abduction by UFOs of thousand of American citizens and the unspeakable amount of suffering they underwent at the hands of the extraterrestrials, it takes a particularly vile individual to say this never happened.’
After all it isn’t exactly the same logic: isn’t it?
Yet I doubt Prager would demand we believe every Tom, Dick and Harry who claimed they were beamed up into a flying saucer and anally probed now: would he?
That’s the key to Prager’s views in that they derive from the idea that jews are inherently superior to non-jews and also inherently hated (aka anti-Semitism) because they are superior to non-jews which is why you must automatically believe jews about the ‘Holocaust’ but conversely not automatically believe non-jewish Americans about being abducted by UFOs.
Prager’s next refrain would be funny if it wasn’t so utterly predictable when he says:
‘There may not be a more documented single event in history than the Holocaust. Yet, some people, including an American named Nick Fuentes, aggressively deny the Holocaust, asserting that a few hundred thousand Jews, not millions, were killed.’
Yet if the ‘Holocaust’ is one of best ‘documented single events in history’ then why do ‘Holocaust scholars’ – who are paid to do what they do while revisionists research and publish on shoestring budgets and as hobbyists – have such a problem providing unequivocal evidence of it?
What is provided to the honest enquirer is a mix of mistranslated out-of-context texts of problematic providence (for example Himmler’s ‘Posen Speech’ of 1943 where ‘Ausrottung’ is translated as ‘exterminate’ when ‘to wipe away’/’eliminate’/’root out’ are alternative translations and far more accurate to the intended meaning [since ‘exterminate’ has only one meaning in English where-as ‘Ausrottung’ has multiple in German]), claims of German ‘code words’ (for example the 1942 Wannsee Conference’s use of ‘evacuation’ being alleged to mean ‘kill’/’exterminate’ for no particular reason), out-of-context photos of dead bodies/cremations (for example photos from the British liberation of Bergen-Belsen which was a concentration camp in the West not an extermination camp in the East) and most commonly of all Prager’s much vaunted ‘Holocaust survivors’.
That’s it.
No Hitler order(s), no extensive German documentation of the progress of the alleged extermination, no analysis of Zyklon B deliveries to prove they were well beyond what was needed to delouse clothing, no German discussions of the problems of the alleged extermination… no nothing.
Indeed, even the Enigma intercepts of German wartime communications from Bletchley Park in Britain offer no references to it other than documenting the fact that Operation Reinhard wasn’t entirely limited to Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka and Chelmno but also extended in a minor way to Auschwitz and Majdanek.
The silence is just utterly deafening.
Revisionist work is in fact far more detailed and evidence-based than anything ‘Holocaust scholars’ have ever produced and takes into account everything from deforestation around Treblinka (to fuel the alleged mass cremation pyres) to the records of the central construction office at Auschwitz (which should contain references to gas chambers but doesn’t; hence even more allegations of pointless German use of ‘codewords’) both of which hadn’t even thought of by ‘Holocaust scholars’ until revisionists looked into them.
That is why people ‘deny the Holocaust’ not because they are ‘evil’ but rather they begin to realise upon learning the details – not just the claims – of the alleged ‘extermination’ that is neither well evidenced nor even physically possible in the first place.
In fact, the more you know about the ‘Holocaust’ allegations the more insanity you find.
Take for example the claims of key Auschwitz witness and former member of its Cremation Sonderkommando Henry Tauber that ‘fat people burn faster’ (2) and there were ‘pits of boiling human fat’ at Auschwitz (both are physical impossibilities), (3) the so-called ‘Tango of Death’ executions at the Janowska concentration camp that were accepted as evidence at the Nuremberg trials, (4) the brain-bashing slide of Buchenwald triumphantly announced by the ‘New York Times’ in 1945, (5) the ‘steam chambers’ of Treblinka that were again accepted as real at the Nuremberg trials where jew were steamed to death like lobsters (6) and the claim by Abe Furmanski in 1945/1946 published in ‘The Black Book’ that jews were gassed in Gurs concentration camp in France with ‘urine gas’. (7)
The worst thing?
That is merely scratching the surface of the sort of nonsense parroted by the ‘best evidence’ for the ‘Holocaust’: the ‘Holocaust survivors’.
That was also claimed right after it allegedly happened so you can’t even excuse it on the basis of ‘misremembering after years!’
Prager actually confirms this total lack of evidence by having to use an ‘example’ from the central German work camp of Ohrdruf to try and make his points.
He writes that:
‘It is important to understand why this is evil. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, along with Gens. George Patton and Omar Bradley, visited Ohrdruf, a Nazi concentration camp, on April 12, 1945, a week after it was liberated.
Eisenhower then cabled to Gen. George Marshall:
“The things I saw beggar description … The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda.’”
To his great credit, Eisenhower understood that what the Nazis had done to the Jews (and many others, but overwhelmingly to Jews) would be difficult for humanity to comprehend and therefore needed to be documented in writing and in photographs. And, it is important to note, Eisenhower saw only a small concentration camp, not one of the enormous death camps.’
The problem here for Prager is that most of Ohrdruf’s inmates weren’t jews at all but largely political prisoners from various different concentration camps as well as prisoners of war from the Eastern front who were tunnelling into the earth and building a German communications facility or a V2 rocket factory depending on your interpretation.
All Eisenhower, Bradley and Patton actually saw was the results of the breakdown of the German military and civilian infrastructure as well as desperate attempts to keep working by the camp authorities.
That is rather like using Andersonville Prison/Camp Sumpter run by the Confederacy during the American Civil War – where roughly 13,000 of the 45,000 prisoners of war died as ‘evidence’ of an alleged planned mass extermination of Union sympathizers by the Confederate government.
It is unabashed nonsense and completely unrelated to the actual claim being made but is made entirely to try and avoid presenting direct evidence by using Eisenhower’s, Bradley’s and Patton’s (who incidentally turned on and denounced the jews soon after this event) reputation to manufacture some kind of tangential ‘evidence’ for this position.
This is precisely because Prager has no evidence and also doesn’t know his subject which he showcases by claiming:
‘Beginning in about 1941, the Nazi regime dedicated itself to murdering every Jew — man, woman, child and baby — in countries it occupied. Eventually, more than six of every 10 Jews in Europe were murdered.’
Firstly the ‘Holocaust’ as a policy is dated to the Wannsee Conference just outside of Berlin on 20th January 1942 not ‘about 1941’ and Prager’s ‘about 1941’ is more to extend the time of the policy than anything else since I rather doubt Prager is aware of the ‘first gassings’ that allegedly began on 8th December 1941 at Chelmno, but no doubt he is aware that the fundamental claim is that the Germans murdered ‘six million jews’ in three years (1942 to 1944) so he tries to extend it another year to make his claim seem a little less ludicrous.
Secondly Prager’s numbers are off again since nine and a half million jews lived in Europe in 1939 (not ten million) while the number ‘murdered’ is alleged to be somewhere between five and six million (not six million) meaning that the claim is half not ‘six out of ten’.
This might seem a quibble, but it once again showcases Prager’s seemingly deliberate manipulation of (often wrong) information to try and make it fit his argument and shows his complete and utter dishonesty.
As we can further see when he claims that:
‘Nazi mobile killing units murdered more than a million Jews, usually family by family, in front of open ditches the Jews were forced to dig. Most died upon being shot; the even less fortunate ended up being buried alive. All witnessed the murder of their loved ones.’
The problem with this is that these numbers of ‘more than a million’ have been called into serious question by Carlo Mattogno’s magisterial study of the actual Einsatzgruppen reports and documentation rather than just taking such numbers on faith alone. (8)
Also, these numbers fail to take into account – let alone separate – the long-standing and bloody anti-partisan war being waged by both the Wehrmacht and the Red army in their rear areas and the jews that were killed by German Einsatzkommandos/Sonderkommandos as well as local police force units as well as by Soviet NKVD and SMERSH units. They are just all lumped together into one giant amorphous mass and blamed on ‘the Einsatzgruppen’ and thus fatuously labelled as ‘victims’ of the so-called ‘Holocaust’.
Yet Prager continues warbling on to the effect that:
‘Most of the other murdered Jews were shipped in cattle cars to concentration and death camps where they were worked to death, starved to death, tortured to death and most often gassed to death in gas chambers.’
Note what Prager leaves out is the obvious: death by disease (scarlet fever and typhus ran rampant in ghettos and then in the camps and for which Dr. Mengele was awarded the ‘War Merit Cross’ for successfully combating at Auschwitz), industrial accidents (true many jews were required to do hard labour which would have resulted in injuries and fatalities) and from the war (for example the sinking of the German passenger ships ‘Cap Arcona’ and ‘Deutschland’ in 1945 by the RAF which killed at least a hundred jews and thousands of other concentration camp prisoners).
Jews were indeed sent in their millions to concentration camps but they weren’t ‘starved to death’ (and if they did starve it was because the German logistical system had collapsed in the last weeks of the war not because the Germans deliberately starved them as Prager implies), ‘tortured to death’ (there are no confirmed accounts of the Germans ‘torturing to death’ jews in the camps), ‘worked to death’ (Himmler actually ordered that prisoners not be ‘worked to death’ because he wanted industrial production not dead jews) and – of course – the ‘gas chambers’ are a long debunked myth that mainstream historiography simply cannot quantify, qualify or justify so they’ve just largely abandoned even trying. (9)
Typically, Prager doesn’t address these problems (although he must be somewhat aware of them) but instead goes on to shriek that:
‘First, to deny the Holocaust occurred is a Big Lie. Big Lies inevitably lead to violence and can even destroy civilizations.’
Now firstly Adolf Hitler coined the concept of the ‘Big Lie’ in ‘Mein Kampf’ and in so doing he was specifically referring to how jews argue and how they make bold – even impossibly huge – claims as a rhetorical device because big claims are intimidating and often hard to question because of their scale and scope.
As it happens Hitler was actually referencing a very real concept from jewish culture called ‘Chutzpah’ which the Collins Dictionary defines as:
‘If you say that someone has chutzpah, you mean that you admire the fact that they are not afraid or embarrassed to do or say things that shock, surprise, or annoy other people.’ (10)
The point is jews make big claims (aka the ‘Big Lie’) and in so doing try and intimate their opponent with their seeming sheer self-confidence but which in truth is merely a rhetorical device used to avoid having to justify their claims.
This is precisely what Prager is doing as it happen: he’s using a ‘Big Lie’ about… well… the ‘Big Lie’ because he is aware most of his readers wouldn’t have a clue about it beyond the concept that it is just a ‘Big Lie’ used in ‘propaganda’ and has a strong negative association.
Secondly, I agree with Prager that ‘Big Lies’ do incite violence and ‘can even destroy civilizations’ but the ‘Big Lie’ is not ‘Holocaust denial’ but rather the ‘Holocaust’ itself!
Prager then facetiously asks this rhetorical question:
‘If the Holocaust never happened, why would Germany maintain that it did?’
Well because Germany lost the Second World War, was occupied and the basis for the current German government is ‘not being the Third Reich’ and the way that they ‘evidence’ that is by regularly paying the jews and Israel so-called ‘Holocaust reparations’!
The truth however is no barrier to Prager since he falsely writes that:
‘Second, Holocaust denial is not only a Big Lie; it is pure Jew-hatred, i.e., antisemitism. The proof that it emanates from antisemitism is that no other 20th-century genocide is denied (with the exception of the Turkish government’s denial of the Turks’ mass murder of Armenians during World War I).’
As well as:
‘No one denies Stalin’s mass murder of tens of millions of Soviet citizens in the Gulag Archipelago or his deliberate starvation of about five million Ukrainians (the Holodomor); or the Cambodian communists’ murder of about one in every four Cambodians; or Mao’s killing of about 60 million Chinese. The only genocide-denial is the genocide of the Jews.’
The problem with this again is that ‘Holocaust denial’ is not a ‘Big Lie’ – it is in fact the classic and correct response to a ‘Big Lie’ strategy from jews (asking for and finding evidence that disproves the ‘Big Lie’) – but also that ‘Holocaust denial’ is not ‘pure jew-hatred’ because to doubt an alleged ‘genocide of jews’ doesn’t mean you ‘hate jews’ because to doubt an alleged ‘genocide of jews’ just means you are criticising a historical claim not criticising jews let alone seeking to ‘stir up hatred’ of them.
Also, if you hated jews then wouldn’t you instead support and justify the ‘Holocaust’ by the same token as Prager’s earlier argument?
Further plenty of other twentieth century genocides – other than the Armenian Genocide by the Turkish government (Prager’s only stated exception) – have been openly doubted with prominent examples being Robert Davies, Stephen Wheatcroft and Mark Tauger in relation to the Holodomor and Noam Chomsky, Edward Herman and Jan Myrdal in relation to the ‘Killing Fields’ of Cambodia.
The ’Holocaust’ isn’t unique and the idea that it must be protected at all costs from critical scrutiny tells us that it – not ‘Holocaust denial’ – is the ‘Big Lie’ as the ‘truth does not fear investigation’ as the saying goes.
The reason that ‘Holocaust denial’ is such an issue for Prager and his ilk is because tens if not hundred of billions has been paid to jews and Israel in so-called ‘Holocaust reparations’ and hundreds if not thousands of people have been locked up and/or executed on the basis of the ‘Holocaust’.
Indeed, jews planned (but failed) to exterminate millions of Germans – both in the form of the Morgenthau Plan and the Nakam plot – on the basis of the ‘Holocaust’ claims!
If ‘Holocaust denial’ were to gain mainstream traction and prove sufficiently successful then the post-war order where the jew is both the moral centre and arbiter of all that is good – as exemplified by Jordan Peterson’s comments on this subject - would collapse overnight and a tide of hatred towards the jews of the like that has never been seen would engulf the world.
The reason for this is not because of it being ‘irrational’ but because jews have done such a vast and nigh impossible act of evil – libelling an entire civilization with the mass murder of millions and then extracting huge amounts of wealth from them on that basis – that the level of corresponding hatred would be absolutely apocalyptic.
Prager is obviously at least somewhat aware of this as he then engages in special pleading when writes that:
‘Third, the denial of this Nazi evil is a slap in the face of all the Americans who died fighting the Nazis. As Eisenhower said on seeing the Nazi atrocities, “We are told that the American soldier does not know what he is fighting for. Now, at least, he will know what he is fighting against.”’
Prager is clearly spouting nonsense here given that 2,446 Americans died fighting the Spanish in the Spanish-American War of 1898 to acquire Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines which few would now contend was a useful way to expend the precious lives of brave American soldiers.
It is quite possible to honour the glorious dead who fought in an ignoble cause that they honestly believed was righteous while vilifying those who were responsible for sending them to their deaths. In this Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his cabal of jewish advisors and cronies like Henry Morgenthau Jr. and Felix Frankfurter.
In fact, we honour the glorious dead more by identifying ignoble wars they were forced to fight and die in and pointing out those who were responsible for causing their deaths so that more American men and women don’t have to needlessly fight and die in conflicts that were never in America’s interests in the first place!
Prager’s next claim beautifully shows the truth of this when he writes that:
‘If the Holocaust is a fabrication, Americans died fighting against nothing particularly evil.’
Exactly and I’d extend the point to say that ‘Americans unknowingly died fighting against something beautiful, true and good in support of pure unadulterated evil’.
(1) All quotes taken from: also
(2) See my article:
(3) See my article:
(4) See my article:
(5) See my article:
(6) See my article:
(7) See my article:
(8) Carlo Mattogno, 2018, [2011], ‘The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories: Genesis, Missions and Actions’, 1st Edition, Castle Hill: Uckfield
(9) For a detailed rundown of this see Nicholas Kollerstrom, 2014, ‘Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust: Myth & Reality’, 1st Edition, Castle Hill: Uckfield, esp. pp. 88-131