Did you know that Communism and Zionism originally come from the same man?
You’ve probably not heard the name of the nineteenth century Jewish intellectual Moses Hess but biographers of Karl Marx – the Jewish founder of Communism along with his German friend Friedrich Engels – and historians of Zionism are not only familiar with his name but also often offer gushing praise of him.
After all what else could you say for a man who more or less single-handedly created two major intellectual movements that have dominated the twentieth century?
Hess was a close friend of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels at the University of Berlin, and it has long been admitted that his ideas – especially his economic ideas – are the basis for Marx’s ideas as explained in his famous 1848 pamphlet ‘The Communist Manifesto’ which is based on Hess’ 1846 pamphlet ‘The Communist Confession Faith’.
Indeed, it was Hess who converted Marx to the idea Communism!
Hess however was also a Jewish nationalist and wrote a book called ‘Rome and Jerusalem: A Study in Jewish Nationalism’ in 1862 which served as the basis for Theodor Herzl’s own 1896 book and manifesto of Zionism ‘Der Judenstaat’.
In ‘Rome and Jerusalem’ Hess argued for the forcible creation of a Jewish state in what was then Palestine and ruled by the Ottoman Empire based on racial categorization – we must remember that Judaism is not a confession-based religion as is often claimed today but rather an ancestry-based religion which accepts the idea that ‘good souls’ (i.e., jewish ones) can be born in ‘evil bodies’ (i.e., non-jewish ones) [if in doubt please look up the concept of ‘Noahides’ and ask yourself why a ‘confession-based religion’ would require such a category] – and envisioned that this state would adhere to both a Communist economic system and be a racial state in which only jews could be citizens.
He also argued that because of its geographic position and trade/financial links – meaning other Jews in positions of influence – to the West (Europe and North America) and to the East (China and India) that this Jewish state would become one of the richest and possibly the most pre-eminent superpower in the world as it would control international trade.
Hess’ two ideas – Communism and Zionism – quickly caught on amongst the Jews but also among many non-Jews with large scale movements devoted to one or sometimes both – for example the Poale Zion in Poland and Russia – coming into existence by the turn of the twentieth century.
Communist movements around the world were often led by Jews – such as for example the Socialist Party of Germany (out of which the Communist Party of Germany later emerged) was led by Eduard Bernstein from the 1880s to 1920s (and the former by Rosa Luxembourg, Leo Jogiches and Paul Levi [all born to wealthy Jewish families]) – while the Zionist movement was supported by well-meaning Christians such as Lord Arthur Balfour; who wrote the famous ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 1917 that is the basis for the modern Israeli State.
Originally Christian Zionists - like Balfour and Winston Churchill - wanted to use to a projected Jewish state in Palestine as a tool of British foreign policy and also as a way to deal with the large numbers of Jews who had arrived in England (as well as America, France and Germany) from the Russian Empire due the Russian Tsars taking a dim view of the heavy Jewish involvement in radical and revolutionary terrorist groups that managed to murder Tsar Alexander I in 1881.
These Jews had immediately begun making such a social, economic and political nuisance of themselves – such as promoting Communism in the West - that some way to get rid of them had to be found lest a popular anti-Jewish revolution occur and with which such a policy Jewish supporters of Hess’ and Herzl’s creation of Zionism such as the famous Rothschild and Warburg banking families agreed lest the behaviour of these less-assimilated Jews cause the non-Jewish populations to become resistive.
Around the same time an American clergyman named Cyrus Scofield produced a new version of the Bible called the ‘Scofield Reference Bible’ designed to promote a very niche version of Christian theology by deliberately mistranslating and creating interpreting – via long footnotes – the text of the Old and New Testaments to support Scofield’s idea – derived from the obscure Plymouth Brethern cleric John Nelson Darby – that if all Jews could be forced – or induced - to immigrate to what was then Palestine then it would trigger the Second Coming of Jesus.
Scofield’s Bible was never that popular – it was atrociously bad Biblical scholarship as many theologians and Biblical scholars of Scofield’s time pointed out - till it was seized upon by the Christian Zionist movement in the 1920s and 1930s as a way to attract and justify Christian support for creating and supporting a Jewish state in Palestine which we now call Israel.
Scofield’s Bible has continued to be the basis of Christian support for Israel and is fundamentally why many otherwise well-meaning Christians continue to promote an ‘Israel First’ not an ‘America First’ point of view with Israel being by far the top destination for US foreign aid with $310 billion of American taxpayer’s money currently spent and numerous other sources of disguised revenue for Israel such as the United States-Israel Free Trade Agreement of 1985 – the US’ first ever free trade agreement – which drained $12.5 billion from the US economy in 2016 and $9.5 billion from it in 2017 (these being the latest published numbers).
Just as Hess envisioned in his 1862 book ‘Rome and Jerusalem’!
Indeed, while Jewish Zionists and their Christian allies were busy trying to achieve a Jewish state in the then Ottoman province of Palestine; Jewish followers of Communism - Hess’ other creation – were spearheading similar Jewish homeland projects after the Bolshevik Revolution of late 1917 – which was so dominated by Jews that it was actually the subject of widespread Jewish jokes at the time and continued to right up until after the death of Joseph Stalin (with one prominent historian of Stalinism noting with alarm that Stalin’s closest confidents during the 1930s were circa 80-85 percent Jewish based upon their – often uniquely Jewish - surnames alone – with the creation of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia in 1924 and other similar proposals for additional Jewish states being proposed by prominent Soviet Jewish officials in the form of Crimea (twice) and Latvia with the non-Jewish residents being expelled and Jews allowed to create state of their own there.
With rising non-Jewish discontent against Jews in the Soviet Union following Jewish Soviet officials being responsible for multiple genocides targeting non-Jews and resulting in millions of deaths – for example the Kazakh Famine of 1930-1933 supervised by the Jewish Bolshevik Filipp Goloshchyokin which killed circa 2 million Kazakhs and the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in the Ukraine supervised by the Jewish Bolshevik Lazar Kaganovich which killed 3.5-5 million Ukrainians – Stalin began to sacrifice some of Jewish officials such as Ana Pauker in Romania, Rudolf Slansky in Czechoslovakia and Matyas Rakosi in Hungary in order to pacify the populace of the Soviet Union and its newly conquered countries.
This resulted in the destruction of the Soviet Zionist-Communist consensus that had been built up by Stalin’s Soviet Union during the 1920s to the late 1940s and had also led to $180 billion being spent by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration – many of senior figures of which were themselves Jewish and found to have been supportive of the Soviet Union such as his Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. and also how the Soviet Union stole atomic bomb technology from the United States after the Second World War – supporting the Soviet Union against Germany and the Axis powers in the Second World War with the Soviet Union only repaying $722 million and having the rest of the debt written off by the Nixon administration in 1971.
The Soviet Union repaid this debt to the Jewish people by immediately recognizing the state of Israel in 1948 as they’d also been helping arm the Jewish terrorist groups – such as providing them with large quantities of guns and ammunition from Czechoslovakia with shipment alone in June 1948 compromising over 6,000 machine guns and more than 52 million bullets – and influencing Israeli politics via the ‘Marxist-Zionist’ Mapam party till the Soviet Union’s collapse in December 1991.
Once again this is exactly how Hess had envisioned the future in his 1862 book ‘Rome and Jerusalem’ as embodied by the fact that Soviet and American taxes both paid for Israel’s generous and highly subsidized healthcare, education and day-care systems, while both countries were (and the United States still is) run by a disproportionately Jewish elite who stifle all criticism of Jews, Judaism and Israel under the guise of ‘anti-Semitism’ and in return take an ever increasing chunk of American taxpayers’ money for themselves while Jews in America support Communist style social policies – such as free and widespread access to abortion, homosexual marriage, illegal immigration, every increasing gun control and that Americans should have to pay reparations for slavery – but right-wing ones (such as opposing non-Jewish immigration, gun ownership and abortion) in Israel which American taxpayers are supposed to then fund using the ever increasing transfer of American wealth to Israel.
It is almost like this was planned: isn’t it?