The global phenomenon that was Nintendo’s Pokemon Go was in the news a lot in 2016 as players did all sorts of crazy things to get ahead in the game. (1)
One thing you may not have noticed however was the stream of bad press about the game that oozed out of jewish media outlets. The most positive things I have found from jewish publications and groups on the subject – other than a few synagogues and groups (such as the Lubavitch Chabad) permitting their buildings to be used as Pokestops – have been articles trying to turn the game into a pious sermon on biblical history and/or the importance of having progressive political views. (2)
By contrast the National Holocaust Memorial in Washington D.C. (3) and the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust (4) started their own puritanical war on people who dared to have fun in their hallowed sanctums. Personally I rather think that they missed the whole point of Pokemon Go: to enjoy yourself and if you get fit as well as learn something new then great.
If sanctified religious buildings – which as much as they aspire to be ‘Holocaust Museums’ are not – could get into the spirit of the thing and see Pokemon Go for what it is when their buildings are consecrated to the worship of their deities. Then the ‘Holocaust Museums’ as secular buildings that are supposed to be ‘educating’ – I use the term loosely - people could too.
It was not only the ‘Holocaust Museums’ that were going crazy about being designated Pokestops and making loud public demands to Nintendo that they be removed immediately. (5) The Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘Museum of Tolerance’ and the Auschwitz Museum in Poland were going equally bonkers about having Nintendo’s digital creations turn up on their turf. (6)
Globally jews were also itching to scream anti-Semitism and sue Nintendo for ‘legitimizing disrespect for the Holocaust’. Since Pokestops were found to include - among other examples - the memorial to ‘320 murdered jews’ of Aurich, Germany, while the IDF also officially banned the game from all its bases as a ‘security risk’. (7)
Meanwhile the German-Israel Society, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and an assortment of other jewish groups made formal complaints to Nintendo demanding immediate action from the gaming giant. One rather suspected that based on their track record: these organizations were looking for a way to cash in on the runaway success of Pokemon Go for ‘hurting their feelings’.
It is just one more example of the ‘Holocaust’ industry and the broader jewish communities’ assault on gamers with additional examples being attacks on the massive ‘Call of Duty’ Franchise over its ‘lack of Holocaust representation’ (8) and more recently a jewish attempt to destroy the Roblox franchise for both profit and to stop ‘the spread of anti-Semitism’ via it. (9)
It just goes to show that jews hate anything which is not within their direct control and promoting eternal jewish victimhood to a primarily non-jewish audience.
(5) Ibid.;;
(8) See my article:
(9) See my article:
It's a business.